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Topics - thebwainz

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / FLTM (+source code)
« on: February 04, 2017, 03:36:37 pm »
Hi, I made a small game in the past few days

There are 4 groups of differently colored tiles (top, right, bottom, left).

Each turn tiles are flipped over and you have to select the groups of tiles in the correct order (from the group with the fewest tiles to the one with the most) as fast as possible.

There are also game settings that can be customized, namely the game's difficulty (affects group difference and time per turn), the number of turns per run, and whether each turn has a time limit.

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Short gameplay video:

Download the game here (~800KB)

Source code

Let me know what you think 8) I included the source code this time because I was asked to do so

SFML projects / Breaker_IS
« on: December 21, 2016, 08:10:53 am »

A small project I've been working on for the past few weeks. It's a block breaking game, is in space, and has weapons :)
Each world has a bunch of levels, and each level has multiple waves, including a boss wave


This is me playing the first level (with a very short boss fight because of my strong weapon):

Make sure to watch in 60 FPS


Download the game here


Here are a few screenshots:

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Fully mouse-driven!

Left mouse button to launch the ball,
mouse wheel to adjust the ball launch angle,
right mouse button (can be held)  to shoot.

I'd like to know what you like or dislike about the game, and maybe a few ideas for weapons and blocks.

I'll be adding new levels with new blocks soon, so stay tuned :)

SFML projects / Slimey Carnage
« on: October 11, 2016, 03:31:42 am »


Slimey Carnage is a 2D platformer for 1-4 players with dozens of levels scattered throughout several worlds, each of which have their own theme and introduce new traps/enemies.

It has a bunch of different game modes that can either be played in single player or local coop with up to 3 other players. (The game modes Domination and Race put emphasis on player vs player)


This is the same game whose alpha versions I previously released on here (old forum thread: http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=19614.0), with improvements/additions such as a complete visual overhaul and more content.


Download the game here

(~25 MB)


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Even though the game is complete (technically it's in beta), any bug reports or minor feature requests are still welcome, especially for the largely untested multiplayer components of the game.

SFML projects / Slimey Carnage (alpha)
« on: January 04, 2016, 02:22:27 pm »
Link to new thread: http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=20974.0



Slimey Carnage is a skill-based platformer for 1 to 4 players (single player and local multiplayer).

There are 6 standard worlds and 1 bonus world to be traversed. Each world has a dozen levels and introduces a new unique theme and new traps/enemies.


Players can use a controller (players 1-4) or the keyboard (player 1).

Key bindings can be found in the options menu.

The game was tested with an Xbox controller. Other controllers may or may not work (but should).


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That's it

What do you think of the game? If you have suggestions or discover any bugs please let me know :)

PS: Multiplayer is largely untested but will probably work.


23 Feb 2016
v0.1.1.0 alpha
  • Fixed severe bug that would cause movement jerks and unprecise controls
  • Updated player physics (adjusted movement speed and acceleration, improved air and ground friction)
  • Reworked all levels to account for new player physics. Also made them easier.
  • Fixed some bugs

08 Mar 2016
v0.1.2.0 alpha
  • Added world 5: The morass! Screenshot:
    (click to show/hide)
  • Fixed level exploits
  • Last playable level now unlocks properly
  • Visual improvements (shaders, particles mainly)
  • Bug fixes

21 Mar 2016
v0.1.3.0 alpha
  • Added the final standard world: Strange Depths! Screenshot:
    (click to show/hide)
  • Changed some key bindings (keyboard)
  • Particle system update! All particles now properly move and fade out smoothly
  • Adjusted volume for some sounds
  • Updated several levels
  • Bug fixes as always

25 Mar 2016
v0.1.3.1 alpha
  • Prepared for release that contains the final campaign world
  • Added some juice! (e.g. explosions and hard impacts will cause the camera to shake!)
  • Quality of life changes, visual improvements, and bug fixes

05 Apr 2016
v0.1.4.0 alpha
  • Added the final campaign world (the one that's unlocked via bonus pickups)! Screenshot:
    (click to show/hide)
  • Game progress is (or rather: can be) saved more frequently now. Check out the new options menu tab for details.
  • Fixed layer/object draw order
  • Fixed player spawn point when killed
  • Fixed some audio files' replay gain info
  • Replaced world 1 (Sky Temple) ambience with a better, less annoying one ;)
  • Random bug fixes and visual improvements

07 Apr 2016
v0.1.4.1 alpha
  • Fixed vsync/fps settings bug
  • Made adjustments to the following levels (made them much fairer): 4-6, 5-4, 5-8, 5-9, 5-10, 6-5, 6-7, 6-9, 7-5, 7-10. Note that a few traps have been exchanged and moved.
  • Bomb trap: Decreased time its lethal explosion hitbox stays active; decreased lethality range (explosion visuals are unchanged)
  • Spike trap: Increased both activation and deactivation speed (activation speed is much higher though); there are now different sounds for activation and deactivation to account for the new speeds; increased cooldown from 1s to 1.75s; fixed bug where the trap would initially (before the first activation) be on cooldown;
  • Pendulum: Made its hitbox smaller to better fit the visuals

09 Apr 2016
v0.1.4.2 alpha
  • Fixed instant death when moving outside the screen: You can now move up to 1 tile outside the screen without getting killed.
  • Added an ending sequence when beating the game! The sequence can be repeatedly played by beating the last level.
  • Updated a few audio files that were supposed to be updated in previous versions. Now all music/ambience is up to date.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs

SFML projects / Repeat
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:38:42 pm »

I'm currently working on a big project, and to clear my mind a bit I've made a new minigame in the last couple of days:


It's a game of memory skill. The computer generates a sequence of notes (starting at 1 note, then +1 per turn), and you have to repeat the sequence by pressing the respective buttons. It's based on Simon.

The game includes an endless mode, and the difficulty can be customised too!


The screenshots don't really do the game justice, so just try it out if you want to :)


Download the game here (1.2 MB)

Feedback is always welcome!

SFML projects / Laser Escape
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:25:43 pm »
my newest creation "Laser Escape" is part of a personal challenge where I create a game every 1-2 weeks.

In this game you have to activate all the orbs by guiding the lasers to them!
Your progress is saved if you finish a level and exit the game, so you don't have to replay all the levels that you already beat.

Click here to download

It's mostly mouse-driven. Check out the options menu for all the controls.

Screenshots (version

To-do list:
- audio
- editor
- user-created level packs
- more levels!

Enjoy! (and all feedback is welcome)

SFML projects / Dodger
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:21:01 pm »
Update (18 Jan 2015):

I released a new version which includes the following changes:

- increased the difficulty
- added a difficulty indicator in the top right corner (the bar fills as the game gets more difficult)
- added power-ups that spawn every few seconds
- fixed and adjusted various things. your score will also increase faster now

Power-ups will disappear after 15 seconds if not picked up. These are the current power-ups:
- red: +1 health
- black: invulnerability for a few seconds
- blue: destroy all enemies

Click here to download

(Original post:)

Hey guys,
I'm currently doing a personal challenge where I'm creating one game every 1-2 weeks. I created my new game "Dodger" within the last week.

In this game you have to dodge enemies that pass the screen. The longer you're able to dodge them, the more points you'll score.

Click here to download

Move with the arrow keys/WASD. Press Escape to pause and resume the game.
Navigate the menus with the arrow keys/WASD, confirm with Enter/Space, go back with Escape/Backspace.

Screenshots (version

The game is pretty much complete as far as game mechanics, audio, etc. go. The gameplay could be improved for example by adding power-ups, and I might add features if you guys want them. All suggestions are welcome!

Oh and of course if you find any bugs I'll be very happy to fix them, so please let me know :)


SFML projects / Guess The Number
« on: May 21, 2014, 06:20:38 pm »
Update (18 Sep 2014)
I just released a new version ( I have improved a lot of things, added a save/load feature for the game settings, and a fun little bot that can play the game. I'm currently working on an "expert bot" that excels at playing the game, and other stuff like sounds. Get the new version here and stay tuned for future releases :)

(Original post:)

Hey there!

I just released my adaptation of the game "Guess The Number" which most of you have probably heard of. I've been working on it on and off for the last weeks.

Essentially, it's just a simple number guessing name: A randomly generated number between two bounds has to be guessed within a certain number of turns. I implemented just that with some simplistic graphics using C++ and SFML.

You can download the game from my website: Click me!

My website: http://www.axel-m.de/

The to-do list is kind of big and a lot of stuff I want to see in the game hasn't been implemented yet (for example save/load settings, sounds, a bot that plays for you, more customization, etc.). I'll continue working on it though and will release new versions as I finish them.

Even though it's a simple game, I'd appreciate it if you could give me your opinion on this adaptation. If you have any suggestions for this game or have found any bugs or anything please let me know. It's very much welcome!

Thanks for reading, and here are some screenshots from the initial release version:

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