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Messages - Brokenhope

Pages: [1]
Dang. I had just noticed that. I was late by 3 hours -_-.

I am interested in the book, but I can't figure out how to get it. It says $0.00 but $39.99 after the trial. Do I have to sign up and everything?

I went to the second link and it was "Flask by Example", I signed up and went what the heck, downloaded that, but I can't access the book.

Audio / Sound from Resource
« on: April 20, 2017, 07:45:50 pm »
I was looking into using SFML to play sounds in a game I have created. It is Win32, using GDI+. I like to keep everything nice and tidy in the resource .rc file.

What I am wondering is, is there a way I can load a .mid file from the resource into the sound buffer. I was looking at example code and openFromMemory() looked like a potential possibility.

any thoughts?

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