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Messages - nietaki

Pages: [1] 2
SFML website / Re: New forum
« on: March 25, 2012, 07:31:15 pm »
Disregard me, I'm just trying out the new forums ;)

Also: thanks for the effort as always, Laurent!

Graphics / Width of a space in sf::Text
« on: March 19, 2012, 02:35:27 pm »
Yeah, I guess it's a clear sign I should stop treating the libraries I use so intensely like a black box ;)

Graphics / Width of a space in sf::Text
« on: March 19, 2012, 10:44:05 am »
...and I missed that in a class with 3 members :evil:

Thanks, Laurent!

Graphics / BUG - Bad Text Display
« on: March 19, 2012, 10:42:07 am »
I'll keep that in mind :)

Graphics / BUG - Bad Text Display
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:29:26 pm »
Just to bump the issue: sometimes, with certain font size/text combinations I have similar artifacts - even with the default font:

For development this isn't much of an issue, but this wouldn't look good on a finished project ;)

BTW: I don't think Laurent is really using github's issues to track bug reports like these, or is he? Should I submit an issue there? ;)

And for the record:
I'm on an updated Linux Debian Squeeze x64, running on a core 2 quad processor and nVidia GeForce GTS 450 GPU. And using the latest SFML 2.0. I will gladly provide more info if needed.

Graphics / Width of a space in sf::Text
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:03:07 pm »
I am finishing my TextArea widget and to make things easier for me to implement quickly I treat each word in my TextArea as a separate object. I know the space I should leave between the lines thanks to the sf::Font::getLineSpacing(characterSize) and I figured out I could get the space I should leave between the words just by getting the width of the "space" Glyph. But...

Code: [Select]
 float space_size = 1.0f * font.getGlyph(0x20, characterSize, false).bounds.width;
  float bold_space_size = 1.0f * font.getGlyph(0x20, characterSize, true).bounds.width;

  std::cout << "spaces " <<  space_size << " " << bold_space_size <<std::endl;

...it turns out the space character (0x20) has width of a zero.

Is there a good way of getting the width of a space I should leave between two words? Apart from imperfect ideas such as "getting the width of an 'a' glyph" or "getting width of of two words separated with a space and subtracting the sum of the lengths of the individual words"?

General / Simple Image Encryption
« on: March 18, 2012, 10:54:43 pm »
Quote from: "Mjonir"
If you want something REALLY simple, why not just remove the headers + extension, and store them in your .exe? You can even just remove the mandatory "89 PNG" at the start of the file, most tools will refuse to open it, and you don't have anything to encrypt/store  :)

It's also a good idea if you don't think your target audience will be persistant and read this thread. With a (long enough) key with XOR encryption you're more or less safe even if people know how you encoded the files ;)

(purely academic argument ;))

General / Simple Image Encryption
« on: March 18, 2012, 09:43:18 pm »
My best (simple) idea would be to use a XOR Cipher with the key contained in the code. This way you could easily convert the encrypted files whether it's by xoring the data you read to the memory or writing your own neat InputStream :)

Make sure to share the implementation (without the key of course), it might be a neat tool to have and a good thing to learn from for people like me if you wrote it well using InputStream :)

General / Particle Engine in SFML2.0
« on: March 16, 2012, 07:44:43 pm »
Quote from: "Nexus"
@GloverLilian: Thanks :)

I hate to spoil your mood, but GloverLilian looks like a well-behaved spambot. He signed in today (just to write this post), quoted 3 words from my post and managed to find books (?) on your page. And he links to a page with some (well thought SEO-wise) keywords in the signature :P

General discussions / why sfml is not on the wikipedia ?
« on: March 16, 2012, 07:37:03 pm »
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Simple_and_Fast_Multimedia_Library_(2nd_nomination)
"Simple and Fast Multimedia Library" -wiki -wikipedia -blog -forum, Google Web returns 151 results it deems unique.

Well that's changed now, it's 62k results, and SFML is in linux distros' repositories.

But it's not the first time clueless wikipedia admins refuse to acknowledge an existing topic due to its low notability, yet allow 7-page articles about fictional bands that have their 10 second appearance in a pop culture movie. Wikipedia is messed up like that.

But I think, that when SFML 2.0 comes out and we prepare (list of successfull projects using SFML, references in less forum/bloggy media) I think SFML can (finally) find its way to Wikipedia.

General / Particle Engine in SFML2.0
« on: March 16, 2012, 10:58:00 am »
I have never used it, but thor library by Nexus does particles :)

Feature requests / New class for SFML2: TextArea.
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:14:06 pm »
I would like to bump this thread to say how unfortunate it is, that the code was lost...

Does anybody have a copy of the code somewhere? Or maybe a similar library lying around? Cierpliwy's class seemed pretty powerful and I wouldn't like to implement a TextArea on my own if there's a good alternative...

btw: version control systems - they rock. And time-proven pastebins are also ok ;)

General discussions / New naming convention
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:09:35 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
I'll make a release candidate soon, by the way.

That's great news! :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

Quote from: "Laurent"
But I still can free the memory (data) after I call Music::openFromMemory(const void * data, std::size_t sizeInBytes ), right?

No. Isn't it written in the doc?

It isn't, at least not explicitly - I read it once again and I still wouldn't be sure if not for your answer.

Quote from: "Mjonir"
Either wait for Laurent (he's so fast that he'll probably answer before you read this line so you won't wait for long :P), or try it out yourself by loading from memory and then overwriting the data?

If he doesn't respond by tommorow I'll try it out myself, I've just finished a big chunk of code and gave myself the rest of the day off ;)

Damn, the project I'm writing with SFML is the first one that ever gave me so much insight and fulfillment and we haven't even reached the fun part yet ;)

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