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Messages - Hapax

Pages: 1 ... 199 200 [201] 202 203 ... 225
General / Re: FPS Peaks with VSync-enabled (59Hz refresh rate)
« on: August 29, 2014, 08:00:56 pm »
This is almost always the link that I would recommend for timestep information.

SFML projects / Re: Witch Blast (dungeon crawl shooter)
« on: August 29, 2014, 07:58:09 pm »
Did you notice that the blue particles sometimes have a darker outline?

General / Re: Collision... yer driving me crazy
« on: August 29, 2014, 07:54:35 pm »
Hi, I'm trying to create a solid bounding box style collision system for my game. So far, I can tell whether or not the horizontal planes intersect, but whenever I attempt at detecting whether or not they intersect vertically, the horizontal detection overrides it no matter what order I program it in.
Could we see the vertical detection code and where you put it?

SFML projects / Re: Vagante is now on Kickstarter!
« on: August 29, 2014, 01:53:00 am »
Vah - gahn - tey :)
That was my first guess. I feel special now  ;)

Just to confirm, you mean that "tey" rhymes with "day", right?

SFML projects / Re: Vagante is now on Kickstarter!
« on: August 29, 2014, 01:46:07 am »
My first question: how do you pronounce its name?  ;D

If nobody cares, there's probably no point making the code more complicated.
I didn't realise that it would, I'm sorry.

I just said...
I wasn't trying to trick you or question whether you stated anything correctly or anything. I genuinely just wanted to know. Sorry if you understood it that way  :(

It has slightly evolved since then :P
Good to know  :)

I'd like answers without the words "possible", "may", "possibly", etc. Real use cases please.
This means that you are waiting for someone to require it for a project before considering implementing it. In which case, SFML will not be able to provide for the requirement of their project. The "possibly" stuff is a way of saying that these things could happen and is one example of something people may require. If someone said that they were going to do the thing that I just suggested as a possibility, does that make it a real use case?

the RenderTexture would be tied to a unique Texture instance.
Tied? Does this mean that the texture cannot be used as a texture for anything else?  :o

I thought the philosophy was "don't do it if only one person needs it".  :P

A possible scenario that someone may possibly want to do is a group of television screens  ;D

EDIT: If this rendertexture(texture) thing works, I guess that would do that.

Isn't it clear?
It is not clear. It looks obvious, sure, but I wouldn't want to use it on an assumption.
I did try to find information on this in the documentation but, alas, I could not find any.
Does the render texture make a copy of the texture or point to the actual one?

General / Re: Drag and Drop or Windows Messages?
« on: August 28, 2014, 02:21:35 pm »
Access to the window's raw events is not currently possible through SFML's window management but is considered for a future version.

You could create the window directly yourself and then use SFML within it. I'm almost certain that that's possible.

sf::RenderTexture renderTexture(texture);
What does this do?  :o

Graphics / Re: New renderWindow makes main renderWindow white
« on: August 28, 2014, 02:08:08 pm »
Ah, fair enough. I thought you needed the render part and that's why you were using a render window  :D

Graphics / Re: VertexArray change Vertices
« on: August 28, 2014, 02:05:03 pm »
Going to have to see more, preferably a minimal and complete example.

Graphics / Re: Int to string
« on: August 28, 2014, 04:36:45 am »
uses namespaces
using namespace sf;
using namespace std;

sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(400, 200), "SFML text test");
sf::Font font;
sf::Text Ttext;
std::string score, score2;
std::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(NULL)));
Pscore = std::rand() % 6;
sf::Event event;

Best suggestion is to remove the "using namespace" lines. It'll still work fine since you're correctly fully qualifying everything already.

Graphics / Re: New renderWindow makes main renderWindow white
« on: August 28, 2014, 04:28:24 am »
My first "solution" should have been:
Sometimes, just adding a renderWindow.clear(sf::Color::Black); immediately after window creation seemed to removed the flash. If not, it can reduce the duration that it is white for.
It's not the ideal solution by any means.

Are you creating a RenderWindow to draw to it and then capture those drawings as an image? Why not use a RenderTexture instead? It does things the same way that a RenderWindow does but doesn't display a window.

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