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Messages - Voroz

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General / Re: Too much screen tearing
« on: August 04, 2015, 10:14:10 pm »
Well i don't know exactly what info you're after, but this seems like a common issue with using vsync.
If i would enable windows mouse cursor then i would see the mouse sprite, or item that i'm dragging being drawn a frame or so behind the windows cursor. It makes the mouse feel unresponsive and sluggish.

Many big games manage to bypass this somehow while still using vsync, but i don't know how. I never really experienced this much tearing in a game before either with vsync off, especially not with a very high fps.

edit: I remember actually that even in League of Legends the mouse was more unresponsive while using vsync.

General / Too much screen tearing
« on: August 04, 2015, 05:17:10 pm »

I'm having some trouble with input lag with vsync on. If i disable vsync my mouse sprite is much faster and not so sluggish, but i get aloooot of screen tearing. I will have a constant huge line covering 10% of my screen height moving up or down slowly. The higher fps i get the thinner the line will be, but it's always there, even at 1300 fps.

I don't get tearing problems in other games if i get high enough fps so i'm not sure what the problem is. I've also tried using setFramerateLimit to see if i can get a certain fps with less tearing, but setFramerateLimit just picks set FPS values that aren't really even close to what i told it to pick. For example one fps is 200, next is 250 no matter what i type in between.

Thanks for your time.

I remember having the same problem with setsmooth, so i always disable it for everything and if i want anti-aliasing i do it in a paint program. Just make sure that it uses transparency pixels for the anti-aliasing.

SFML projects / Re: Let There Be Light 2
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:56:50 pm »
Just checked that github link. He hasn't updated it since he posted it 2 months ago and then he said that "It's NOT ready for use", so i guess i will wait until he develops it further.

SFML projects / Re: Let There Be Light 2
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:46:23 pm »
Did you try my version of LTBL? Or better yet switch to LTBL2. ;)
I didn't think LTBL2 is ready for use yet. I just saw the thread though. And no, i didn't try your version. Mine works, it's just a bit weird to get it to work, and there are no directional lights.

SFML projects / Re: Let There Be Light 2
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:33:51 pm »
Hi. Nice that you're working on a new version. I'm using LTBL 1 right now and i like it alot. I've gotten it to work quite well but there are some bugs that you have to work around and it takes alot of testing to set it up correctly.

General / Re: [help] map.erase();
« on: May 17, 2014, 03:14:19 pm »
So... what exactly has this problem got to do with something specific to SFML? You could have asked this question on any other forum on the internet. The fact that this sub-forum is called "General" doesn't mean you can post anything you want. It is for problems that have to do with SFML and don't fit in any of the other forums. And no... just because your objects happen to be/contain SFML classes doesn't mean you can ask about any other part of your code on this forum. These random posts have been becoming quite frequent recently. Maybe an additional amendment to the rules is necessary... Or even a separate sub-forum for programming issues in general.

I'm sure there will be someone friendly who comes along and tries to help you with your problem, but I say the line has to be drawn somewhere. If we allowed everybody to post any little problem they had, the forum would get flooded with these kinds of threads and stackoverflow or gamedev.net would run out of business.

Besides... even if I did feel like helping you, I have no idea what you are trying to achieve and what kind of an answer you are expecting from us.

Maybe he wanted help from you guys because you are such a friendly community  ;D.
I don't think you have to worry about becoming more popular than stackoverlow or gamedev, and i also think there should be a subforum for general programming questions on this site.

There aren't that many questions for SFML specific things that you can't just point to the tutorial about, so if you want more activity on the forum (it's quite dead), then i guess a subforum for general programming questions would be good.

General / Re: Sprite Origin
« on: May 16, 2014, 12:58:44 pm »
Yes, set it to 0,(whatever the size of your sprite is) with setOrigin to set the origin of your sprite to its bottom left corner.
Isn't he supposed to set it to the sprites height?
Sprite.setOrigin(0, Sprite.getTextureRect().height);

I'm sure that's what he meant by 'size'  :)
Sorry i missunderstood then. I didn't think that paranthesis "(whatever the size of your sprite is)" was supposed to be the y and the 0 the x. I thought he meant to set it all to 0 no matter the size of the sprite ^^. nevermind :)

General / Re: Sprite Origin
« on: May 16, 2014, 12:52:40 pm »
Yes, set it to 0,(whatever the size of your sprite is) with setOrigin to set the origin of your sprite to its bottom left corner.
Isn't he supposed to set it to the sprites height?
Sprite.setOrigin(0, Sprite.getTextureRect().height);

SFML projects / Re: SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: May 06, 2014, 05:51:05 am »
I guess the shadow fin is for the shadow part only, i was unsure what to call the dark area, but basically i want everything brighter, not just the shadow. I see in your screenshots it's not entirely black.

Basically m_ambientColor doesn't work at all with bloom turned off for me.
Oh. Yeah I have bloom enabled and m_ambientColor doesn't work for me with it off either. :/
Well i fixed it :).
In the parts where it says:
                        glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
                        glVertex2f(width, 0.0f);
                        glVertex2f(width, height);
                        glVertex2f(0.0f, height);
in the lightsystem.cpp file, comment all that out. Then it works fine. He is clearing 2 times. First normally and then with the clearing shown above.

SFML projects / Re: SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: May 06, 2014, 02:45:24 am »
I've tried this, and the result is the same unfortunately. Although I have not provided a hull for the backdrop, so I'm not sure if I should experiment with that, and if so, where to start? Make the hull as big as the window? That doesn't seem right.
I don't think creating a hull would help you with this problem.

If your objective is to have your playing area in the middle and the background around that, then perhaps if you create a strong emissive light size and shape of your playing area in the background lightsystem. I read that those are shapeable and if you can also set the sharpness so there is no smoothing then that should give you the correct level of darkness in the center of your game after you draw the front lightsystem over it all.

What if you used a different shadow fin image? Like, you take the existing one, modify it so the dark portion is lighter, and use that with your/a light system? I think that would in turn make the shadows themselves brighter and combined with ambient lighting will brighten things up overall.
I guess the shadow fin is for the shadow part only, i was unsure what to call the dark area, but basically i want everything brighter, not just the shadow. I see in your screenshots it's not entirely black.

Basically m_ambientColor doesn't work at all with bloom turned off for me.

SFML projects / Re: SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: May 05, 2014, 10:05:53 pm »
I have a problem myself btw. I'm trying to change the brightness of the shadows.

This does nothing to the black color which i have for shadows, but the lights works:
ls.m_ambientColor = sf::Color(50,50,50);
ls.m_useBloom = false;

If i change bloom to true then i can change the shadows color but then the lights wont work anymore.

edit: To be clear my game is completely black, i want to be able to make it less dark :).

edit2: Managed to make it work with bloom on now by setting intensity to over 1, but bloom doesn't work well at all so i need it off.

SFML projects / Re: SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: May 05, 2014, 09:20:25 pm »
If i understand correctly i think i would draw the background stuff first, then the background lightsystem and then foreground boxes etc and the lightsystem and set
m_renderLightOverHull = false;
if you want it like the image.

SFML projects / Re: SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: May 05, 2014, 02:57:20 pm »
So you want two equally big lightsystems stacked on eachother? Well i'm no expert but it's very hard to get any help about this light system since the developer seems to have abandoned this project.

I have never tried this and don't know of the issues with it but ofourse the front layer can't become brighter than the back one if that's your issue. Maybe post some screenshots again of your new issue so i understand better, but i don't think i will be able to help you, especially if it requires changes of the lightsystem itself, since i don't have a big understanding of how this lightsystem works.

SFML projects / Re: SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: May 05, 2014, 04:50:27 am »
I don't know if this is what you're looking for but maybe move the lightview down a bit.
lightView.setCenter(View1.getCenter().x, View1.getCenter().y+300);

Edit: I realize this doesn't give you 2 different light systems but it's 5 am here so i can't experiment with that atm, but i assume you could just create one more lightsystem and name it something else, and instead of moving it down like i just did, you could move most of it up outside the screen and have only the 300 pixels inside.

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