General discussions / Re: SFML 3 - What is your vision?
« on: July 15, 2014, 04:41:54 pm »i also did thought about some kind of SceneGraph ... currently i dont know if i can get it working right impl drawable into that SceneGraph might not be a problem, but Transformable for sample is, because its functions are not virtual for overloading ... :/It still has, but that doesn't change the fact that it doesn't make sense to store sprites and sounds or sound listeners together. What you actually want is an abstraction layer in between, most likely a scene graph. This is definitely not SFML's task.now i am ashamed ... Listener did had direction, not SoundSource ...
but like i said i need to test stuff until it works right
i was thinking in form of PC speakers ... like for them you cant hear them (right) when you are on the wrong end ...Quotehmmm now i am thinking if SoundSource should have a direction too, so like you can only hear it if the speaker is showing into your direction ...This doesn't make sense (even in real life), sounds propagate in all directions.
Doppler effect is supported by OpenAL but it is not exposed by SFML.
Oh ok if doppler already exist in AL then its okay ... i didnt know that and i thought SFML might need more work than just "exposing"