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Messages - MasterQ32

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: DreamWorld
« on: July 23, 2013, 09:34:59 pm »
Some days ago i got the idea of switching to 3D with DreamWorld. My current progress looks pretty good and the system itself is very flexible. I stayed with tile based maps, but freed the movement so it's not tile bound anymore. A tile is defined by 4 vertices so tiles can also built slopes or other uneven structures.
I also could built some easy model support (texture and normals), vertex animation and mesh groups are WIP.

Here are some new screenshots:

SFML projects / Re: DreamWorld
« on: July 23, 2013, 09:28:26 pm »
So you're essentially providing some kind of lobby to join games as well as the possibility to develop these games "in-game"? Or are the games themselves developped with common tools, and your "meta-game" provides the possibility to join them?
It's more the first option. I will provide two options for creating a meta-game:
The first one relies only on built-in systems (simple scripting language, easy level editor and some kind of player-world-interaction.
The second option is planned to be some kind of server/client-plugin system that allows digging deeper into the system to get more options and possibilities to create a meta-game.
Both systems will have the same input system, so players don't need to learn new controls and behaviours for each meta-game.

Since you're talking about scripting and collision, you probably have a concrete imagination of how the joinable games look. Can you explain a bit more about them, and maybe about the whole interaction with the meta-game?
My current plans swapped from 2D to 3D meta-games. My references are the default RPG Maker XP games and Final Fantasy VII. So i will target some kind of J-RPGs. The meta-game will provide graphics and story, maybe some additional programming for creating a complex story line, but i want to provide a way to create games without programming.

I hope i could clarify my idea a little...

Graphics / Re: Pixel perfect texture blitting?
« on: July 22, 2013, 10:20:48 pm »
no, it was cs-sdl.
But i got IME with SDL working, so my problem is solved

Graphics / Re: Pixel perfect texture blitting?
« on: July 22, 2013, 08:18:49 pm »
I only found 2 C# wrappers for SDL and one was unusable and the other had no Text/Unicode input option so i would've built my own IME system.

SFML projects / DreamWorld
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:09:03 pm »

I've just started with SFML, but my project DreamWorld has developed to a pretty good state already.
I think most of you know the RPG Maker series to create your own small RPG games. Two weeks ago an idea flashed through my mind: What if i build something that allows players to play in a huge world and designers to create their own game and share it with others?
I spent some time on digging deeper into the idea and now DreamWorld is a game where you can play like in the RPG Maker games. But there are some big differences:
  • The whole game is designed as an MMO.
  • There will be no "official" game.
  • Every server hosts its own game.
  • Every client contains the basic tools to create it's own game
  • The whole thing should be content based.

So what i got so far?
  • Multiplayer is nearly completed. Some basic features like a text chat and an RCON admin system are missing.
  • Rendering is at a pretty good progress as well, i've got dynamic weather (clear, rain, snow) and a day/night system. Sprites can drop simple shadows.
  • A RPG Maker alike GUI system that is fairly easy to use and flexible.
  • A system to manage unique user ids per server
  • Player right management (Allowed to play multiplayer, Allowed to upload worlds, Allowed to use RCON)
  • EmotiCom chat system. Allows you to spawn small emoticons above your head
  • Scripting engine for an easy map programming
  • Tile collission system that can block each side of a tile instead of the whole tile
  • CoRoutine system for "parallel" execution
  • Support for RPG Maker resources
  • Small and easy level editor
  • ...

So how it looks like? Just like a standard RPG Maker game, because i haven't got any artist to create me tilesets or sprites. But take a look:

I hope you like it (i will do another video in time, but first i want to get my RCON system running and build a second world.
Would be nice to hear some critics, suggestions and generic feedback.

Felix Qu.

If someone wants to create some graphics for me that would be absolutly awesome!

DotNet / Re: No network module?
« on: July 15, 2013, 01:58:16 am »
What about the TcpClient class? It's one layer above Sockets, allows communication with streams very easy.
Or if you want to create a game, take a look at the lidgren3 library, it's really awesome (and much faster than TCP as well)

Graphics / Re: Pixel perfect texture blitting?
« on: July 14, 2013, 03:22:29 pm »
Thanks for the fast answer!
I just looked into the features of a RenderTarget and found out that i can draw vertices. This would fit my needs perfectly and should be faster as well (way lesser draw calls).
I think i got it running now.

Graphics / Pixel perfect texture blitting?
« on: July 14, 2013, 02:42:18 pm »

I'm new to SFML and just migrate my current project to it. I previously used SDL for drawing and event management but it has some flaws like missing keyboard input and other things.
My project is written in C# with SFML.Net, but i think this doesn't matter in my case. I compose a lot of graphics in my project from one source texture. With SDL it looked really good, but now i have the problem that seams appear in my GUI system:

That's the code i use to draw a texture on the screen:
public static void DrawTexture(
        RenderTarget target,
        Texture texture,
        IntRect targetPos,
        IntRect? sourcePos,
        bool tileTexture)
        texture.Repeated = true;
        texture.Smooth = false;
        using (Sprite sprite = new Sprite(texture))
                if (sourcePos != null)
                        sprite.TextureRect = sourcePos.Value;
                        sprite.TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)texture.Size.X, (int)texture.Size.Y);

                sprite.Position = new Vector2f(targetPos.Left + 0.5f, targetPos.Top + 0.5f);
                if (!tileTexture)
                        sprite.Scale = new SFML.Window.Vector2f((float)targetPos.Width / sprite.TextureRect.Width, (float)targetPos.Height / sprite.TextureRect.Height);
                        sprite.Draw(target, RenderStates.Default);
                        sprite.Scale = new Vector2f(1, 1);
                        while (sprite.Position.X <= targetPos.Left + targetPos.Width - sprite.TextureRect.Width)
                                sprite.Draw(target, RenderStates.Default);
                                sprite.Position = new Vector2f(sprite.Position.X + sprite.TextureRect.Width, sprite.Position.Y);

Is there any way to get SFML to create pixel perfect graphics?

Felix Qu.

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