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Messages - Furkanzmc

Pages: [1]
Both the laptop and the external screen is 1920x1080. This seems to be a problem with my computer, I tried it with different computers and didn't reproduce the problem. I tried to look into Nvidia Control Panel but it's missing a lot of the options. I know that it will use the primary screen. In the photo, the laptop is the primary one, when I switch to the external screen the problem doesn't happen.

Sorry I shouldn't have made you guess instead I should have provided the information.
It's NVidia GeForce GTX 950M. I will try doing that.
EDIT: The GPU is not active and I do not open SFML app with GPU, it uses the onboard Intel graphics processor. And although I'm 100% sure, I think Nvidia is not handling the HDMI.

When I connect my laptop to a bigger screen with HDMI the game screen doesn't cover the whole screen. It sometimes gets bigger than the actual size of the screen, sometimes it's smaller that the actual size. In all cases I use
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1920, 1080), "Example", sf::Style::Fullscreen);
I'm compiling with MSVC 12 x86.

I shared a picture in the attachment, in that picture there's supposed to be two circle one on top left and one on bottom right, but you only see the top-left one. The window is overflows to the right screen and the primary screen is the laptop's screen.

sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1920, 1080), "Example", sf::Style::Default);

Even with the above code, the window seems much bigger and doesn't fit the 1920x1080 resolution screen.
But when I make the primary screen the one on the right, I have no problem whatsoever.

My laptop monitor's DPI is 140, the device that I'm connecting to via HDMI has 96 DPI. Would that cause a problem?

General / Re: How to Know If the Game Is Run on GPU
« on: April 23, 2014, 12:51:08 pm »
OK, thank you for the answer.

General / How to Know If the Game Is Run on GPU
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:23:44 am »
Is there a way to know If the game is run on GPU or integrated graphics card so that we can activate different effects for each graphics card being used?

SFML projects / Re: zmcEntitySystem - A Component-Entity System
« on: April 03, 2014, 03:05:56 pm »
You are right. I knew I should have done it that way but I had something different in my mind and never really reconsidered it after making it. Now that you mentioned it, I did it the way it's supposed to be done. Thank you for your feedback!

EDIT: I'll update the blog post...
EDIT 2: I update the blog post.

SFML projects / Re: zmcEntitySystem - A Component-Entity System
« on: April 02, 2014, 07:33:15 pm »
Hello. Thank you so much for your feedback. I did correct the things you mentioned and wrote a blog post about it and how to use it. I'm particularly new to blogging so I hope it's a good one! :D

Blog post:

SFML projects / zmcEntitySystem - A Component-Entity System
« on: March 27, 2014, 06:27:33 pm »
Hello guys. After getting into game development I started learning the principles and Component-Entity system is next in line. After reading articles and researching other systems I came up with this implementation of Component-Entity System and it's based on Artemis Entity System Framework. If you have time to have a look at it, I'd really appreciate your feedback. - https://github.com/Furkanzmc/zmcEntitySystem

SFML projects / Re: A Simple and Easy to Use State Manager
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:59:29 pm »
Hi. You did bring up some interesting questions.  :)
Actually, I thought I could pass parameters using Contexts but considering it again now it's a bad way to pass parameters. I'll implement a new way to do that.
- You are right, the example isn't a good example. I'll update it.
- You can actually have duplicate states with different enumerators
- The system does not handle adding states with the same enumerator. Actually, the system does nothing with the context. The states use the context to get the some common parameters (like sf::RenderWindow, TextureHolder etc...) and use them inside the state. So there's no differentiation with the contexts.
- I, now, don't think Contexts are the way to pass parameters, although you can tweak it to pass parameters but that defeats the purpose of having a "Finite State Machine", so I'll think of a better way but if you have any suggestions I'd appreciate it. ;)
- I agree about the name too, now.

You can now pass parameters to a state on initialization. You can also get an individual state from the state manager and call the functions you want.

Thank you so much for your input!

SFML projects / Re: A Simple and Easy to Use State Manager
« on: March 18, 2014, 11:32:54 am »
Thanks for your feedback!
I did correct the things you mentioned except the iteration thing. I get what you by that. I'll fix it in an hour.
Thank you again!!

Thank you. I corrected the problem.

SFML projects / A Simple and Easy to Use State Manager
« on: March 18, 2014, 09:27:57 am »
Hello people.
I've written a simple, yet efficient, state manager. I'm relatively new to game development so I'm trying to learn as much as I can by creating as much as I can. I'm hoping it could do some good to some of you.
Here's the code: https://github.com/Furkanzmc/FUStateManager

Graphics / [SOLVED] Excessive Memory Usage Problem
« on: March 06, 2014, 04:28:20 pm »
I'm relatively new to game development and I'm making a small game with a number of images which only holds 119 MB on disk. But when I load them in the game, the memory usage of the game skyrockets to 862 MB!
Are there any solutions to fix this issue?
Thanks in advance!

The problem was indeed with the images. I reduced the resolution of the images and everything is fine now. It wasn't a code problem.

SFML projects / SFML Resource Holder with Physfs Support
« on: March 03, 2014, 04:38:57 pm »
Hi guys!
This is my first post. I wanted to share a class that I made to handle asset loading-removing.
Here's the code: https://github.com/Furkanzmc/SFMLResourceHolder
I hope it'd be helpful to some of you. Please let me now what you think...

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