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Messages - SukauGrandi

Pages: [1]
Looks interesting. Nice work :)

Thanks ! Would you like me to send you a game key ? :)

Wow, this looks great! And really hard to complete.

Same question :)

eXpl0it3r ! Thank you for your compliments :)

Yes there will be more bodies added over time but they will function in a different way. A green ball that you CAN NOT take control over but must be close to in order to pull it and it CAN NOT pull you is being developed and tested right now. Also, there will be bodies that pull you all the time, can not be controlled and are to massive to be moved themselves (essentially black holes). Another kind of body that will be added is a unique one. Its the center of mass of the red ball-blue ball system. The center of mass and the green ball will both have their own respective walls that must be avoided and both balls are moved in a very different way.

Going beyond three balls at the same time has proven to be overly difficult to a point where it is no longer entertaining. A couple of very last leveles probably will end up having 4 balls that need to be handled at the same time but not more than that.

I will send a key to you in a couple of days :) can i just send a private message to your SFML forum user?

Orbita is a game that started its development process about a year ago.

The game is very unique in its gameplay and is entertaining , addictive and difficult at the same time.

Here is the trailer for the game:

And here is a gameplay video where I walk you through the tutorial and some end levels in order to explain the key game mechanics:

The game is made using c++ and SFML. Feel free to ask me any questions related to game development with SFML.

The game is made by one person - Me :P but i decided to make a gaming studio as well since I hope that the game will become popular and demand for more levels will force me to hire a couple of people.

The game is currently in beta and first 24 levels + 3 modes per level are complete. If you want to try out the game, follow this link:


You can find out more about the game at its webpage - http://www.orbitagame.com

If you have any interest in working with me on the game, send me a message. Maybe there will be something you can help me with in the future :)

General / Framerate and vertex array
« on: March 29, 2017, 01:34:58 pm »
Hey peeps!

I have a quite general question about framerate and usage of vertexarray to draw quads.

So, basically, I have a working particle engine. I noticed that, when generating particles,framerate gets better the tigther the particles are together. That means that if i create a particle emitter that draws 400+ quads ( with vertex array ) on a single spot all the time with BlendAdd, i get around 60 fps (just an example value), but if i draw the same particles spread over the whole screen with the same setting, I get around 40 fps.

So I am wondering if someone knows the more fundamental details of how SFML handles drawing with Blend Add e.t.c. For me it makes sense that when drawing particles tighter together, the framerate should be lower, not other way around since you then have more quads that need to be blended together at one area.

So in a more general sense, when designing particle effects in game with performance in mind, what are the tips? (besides less particles in total ofc)

- Less spread ?


- More spread ?

From your experience, how does size of the particles affect it all?

And why exactly?

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