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Messages - The Floating Brain

Pages: [1]
General / Re: VC++ 2012 And SFML 2.0?
« on: May 26, 2013, 06:37:37 pm »
The forum posts are old. If there's an official release on the official website, you can expect it to work. Otherwise I don't know what it would mean ;)

Alright good, I thought it would be silly if there was a broken version out (unless it was still in development, and was for other people to help try to get working or somthing). Il figure out the linker errors, sorry for the silly question, I just got a little nervous when I saw those posts.

General / VC++ 2012 And SFML 2.0?
« on: May 26, 2013, 08:47:21 am »
    I know this is sort of a nooby question, but it is my first time using SFML 2.0 and Visual C++ 2012 (I am just
coming off of Visual C++ 2008 and SFML 1.6). I am a bit confused if SFML 2.0 is suppose to work with VC++ 2012. I see a download on the site for VC++ 2012, but a lot of forum posts are saying that it is not suppose to
work with Visual C++ 2012 yet. Could someone clear up the confusion, and possibly give me some assistance
with some linker errors (if I do not figure it out first)?
 - TFB

SFML projects / Re: [sf3d] a project for 3D rendering
« on: August 25, 2012, 08:47:32 pm »
Okay so I got it to build and got rid of some bugs!

Bad news is I am unsure if it is working XD

I included a model my friend made of a cube with a blue texture.

If someone who knows more about 3D stuff and OpenGL than me would give me a hand that would be excellent!

Here is the project, it builds with SFML 2.0 RC under Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition.

Download here: https://rapidshare.com/files/301558150/SF3DBinariesForWindows.zip

SFML projects / Re: [sf3d] a project for 3D rendering
« on: August 13, 2012, 05:51:09 pm »
I would really appreciate if somebody would make this work for sfml 2.0

I am planning on it!  :D

I would really appreciate if somebody would make this work for sfml 2.0
The last commit was done 2 years ago, this project is apparently dead. So if you want sf3d to have a future, don't hesitate to adapt it yourself ;)

I plan to :-) it looks cool :-)

SFML projects / Re: [sf3d] a project for 3D rendering
« on: August 02, 2012, 03:36:47 am »
It's based on SFML 2 like the opening thread states but since the last post was over a year old and the development proably too, you can't expect it to be uptodate with SFML 2. If your lucky you maybe find a note which SFML commit was used last, otherwise you'll have bring it up to speed on your own.

Thank you :-D

If I can't find which poll it was I most certanly I'll port it!
I suggest using the Autodesk FBX format. I have used Assimp in the past, and I have to say that it is slow, and a little bit overboard. FBX models have become a game industry standard because every 3D modelling program can easily export to it. It is also very easy to load. There is an open SDK made available by Autodesk (the creators of 3DS Max/Maya) specifically for loading and saving to this format. My suggestion would be to use FBX as your primary asset format. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions. I am working on loading the FBX format myself, so when I get it working flawlessly, I can shoot some code your way.

Hey maybe when I get it working I can shoot it your way :-)

SFML projects / Re: [sf3d] a project for 3D rendering
« on: July 30, 2012, 04:12:01 am »

I know you may have to dust off this project, however recently I've been attempting to build it.
My dilemma is I do not know what version of SFML you based it off of. I tried 1.6 and 2.0 however neither worked.

It looks like a really interesting project, any help would be appreciated thank you!

Window / Refrencing image.hpp for the definition of sf::RenderWindow
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:19:41 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
Then I think we'll need a minimal and complete code.


Here is an example of some bugged code and its corresponding error: http://pastebin.com/xGgm1bup

I tried including Window.hpp, different versions of SFML ( -d, -s, ect.)
no luck :-(

Window / Refrencing image.hpp for the definition of sf::RenderWindow
« on: February 14, 2012, 03:15:02 am »
Quote from: "Laurent"
I added about 6 files the other day when this happened

So if you remove them it works again?

My bad I meant to include "and if I remove them it doesn't work" XD

Window / Refrencing image.hpp for the definition of sf::RenderWindow
« on: February 13, 2012, 05:52:54 am »
Yes, the code has been running for pretty much two years now, I added about 6 files the other day when this happened (that did not even reference sf::RenderWindow). Even if I clean the solution (VS feature) and rebuild without the files I still get the same problem.

Window / Refrencing image.hpp for the definition of sf::RenderWindow
« on: February 10, 2012, 04:36:17 am »
   I needed to re-install SFML XD.
I hope the admin does not mind, but this topic details what I have already done and the problem:

General / SFML terms of modifiction question.
« on: July 17, 2011, 10:05:38 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
Whatever you want, as long as it's clear enough.

You can add a comment in source code where you add stuff:
Code: [Select]
... SFML code ...

// begin xxx modification -- by The Floating Brain
... your code ...
// end xxx modification -- by The Floating Brain

... SFML code ...

And maybe a readme.txt which says that this source code is not the original one etc...

Thank you :-D

General / SFML terms of modifiction question.
« on: July 16, 2011, 07:28:09 am »
When it says in the SFML source:

// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
//    and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.

What I am suppose to do to make the code or application "marked as such"?[/quote]

General / Problem with Sprite.SetRotation()
« on: April 22, 2011, 09:03:10 pm »
Quote from: "s3rius"
Quote from: "The Floating Brain"
May I use this code? I have changed it around a bit and used APA formatting to give credit you(used your username as a auther)/cite this page as a source.

No problem. Use it as you like.

Thank you :-)

General / Problem with Sprite.SetRotation()
« on: April 17, 2011, 02:01:50 am »
May I use this code? I have changed it around a bit and used APA formatting to give credit you(used your username as a auther)/cite this page as a source.

Pages: [1]