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Messages - Phoenix

Pages: [1]
General / Error with static linking
« on: July 08, 2009, 10:30:44 pm »
You can modify it and add to repository, there isn't problem.

General / Error with static linking
« on: July 07, 2009, 03:12:46 pm »
I use a batch script
Code: [Select]
@echo off
set mingw=C:\MinGW
set sfml="c:\SFML\SFML2"
set dest=C:\MinGW
set cb="%PROGRAMFILES%\CodeBlocks"
set PATH=%PATH%;%cb%
cd %sfml%\build\codeblocks
codeblocks -na -nd -ns --build sfml-audio.cbp
codeblocks -na -nd -ns --build sfml-graphics.cbp
codeblocks -na -nd -ns --build sfml-main.cbp
codeblocks -na -nd -ns --build sfml-network.cbp
codeblocks -na -nd -ns --build sfml-system.cbp
codeblocks -na -nd -ns --build sfml-window.cbp
mkdir %TEMP%\sfml
cd %sfml%\lib\mingw
xcopy *.a %TEMP%\sfml /q /y
cd %TEMP%
cd sfml
ar x %mingw%\lib\libgdi32.a
ar x %mingw%\lib\libopengl32.a
ar x %mingw%\lib\libwinmm.a
ar rs libsfml-window-s.a *.o
del *.o /f /q
ar x %mingw%\lib\libws2_32.a
ar rs libsfml-network-s.a *.o
del *.o /f /q
ar x %sfml%\extlibs\libs-mingw\libfreetype.a
ar rs libsfml-graphics-s.a *.o
del *.o /f /q
ar x %sfml%\extlibs\libs-mingw\libopenal32.a
ar x %sfml%\extlibs\libs-mingw\libsndfile.a
ar rs libsfml-audio-s.a *.o
del *.o /f /q
xcopy *.a %dest%\lib /q /y
del *.* /f /q
cd ../
rmdir sfml /s /q
xcopy %SFML%\include %dest%\include /s /q /y

General / Error with static linking
« on: July 06, 2009, 10:54:06 am »

General / Error with static linking
« on: July 05, 2009, 10:48:55 pm »
It's compile fine on GCC 4.4.0 TDM-1 and link external dependencies too.

General / Error LNK2019 - trying to run sprites src. code!
« on: February 08, 2009, 10:45:04 am »
SFML "can load and save standard image formats : bmp, dds, jpg, png, tga, psd". http://www.sfml-dev.org/features.php

Window / Prblem with creating a window
« on: September 07, 2008, 06:31:53 pm »
Quote from: "Tutorial"
At this point, you may see anything on the screen (maybe black color, maybe not) as we don't draw anything into our window.

glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); after the creation of the window.

Pages: [1]