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General / Re: SFML installation on Mac OSX Lion with Qt
« on: September 26, 2012, 09:22:29 pm »
This problem is [solved] for me! :)


General / Re: SFML installation on Mac OSX Lion with Qt
« on: September 26, 2012, 04:48:54 pm »
Aww yeaaah :) Finally it works!

It compiles fine and I can run the compiled file!

But I still get some warnings, but they don't seem to be very important...But I'll post them here:
Code: [Select]
:-1: warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/local/pgsql/lib'
:-1: warning: directory not found for option '-L/tmp/qt-stuff-85167/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.1/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/lib'
:-1: warning: directory not found for option '-F/tmp/qt-stuff-85167/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.1/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/lib'

Maybe you know what they mean?

Thank you for all the help, thanks to you it finally works! I really didn't know how to do it...


General / Re: SFML installation on Mac OSX Lion with Qt
« on: September 25, 2012, 08:10:52 pm »
No, hpp files are headers; not dylibs. Read at least the introduction part of the OS X tutorial to fix this confusion.
Okay, now I get it, thank you. Next time I'll try to search on my own...

Yes, this is because Apple hides folder like those to prevent regular users to do stupid things with them. Alternatively you can use your Terminal to see all those directories.
I made this folder visible, it works a little bit easier.

But now my problem isn't solved yet, in spite of your help.
This time I tried to search myself, but I didn't found what I was looking for. But first let me explain what I did.

In the *.pro file I tried to add the libraries with the following command:
Code: [Select]
LIBS += -L"/usr/local/lib" -libsfml-window -libsfml-graphics //etc.I also used this command:
Code: [Select]
INCLUDEPATH = "/usr/local/include/SFML
The second command works fine, the auto-fill-in works.
But when I try to compile, I get an error saying that the library "-libsfml-window" can't be found.
So I tried an alternative command, which is doing -according to me- the same. That command was the following:
Code: [Select]
LIBS += "/usr/local/lib/libsfml-window"With this command it seems like the library can be found, because I didn't get errors for it, but I did get another error which was saying : "Symbols not found for architecture x86_64". I googled the error, and what I found were similar problems to my mine : the error was displayed when someone tried to link a library. I didn't found a solution, because it wasn't related with SFML in any of the cases...

So can you tell me please what I'm doing wrong? Btw, I also get 3 warnings, if you need the exact information about the warnings, I'll post them.

I have another additional question: in the folder /usr/local/lib I saw 3 times kind of the same library, for example:
• libsfml-audio-d
• libsfml-audio-d.2
What is the difference between these 3?

Thank you!


General / Re: SFML installation on Mac OSX Lion with Qt
« on: September 24, 2012, 06:35:37 pm »
Okay, I found out the installer puts the frameworks in /Library/Frameworks, and puts the *.hpp files (are these the dylibs you talked about?) in /usr/local (I didn't even know where to find this folder, is it hidden by default? I can only find it by "go to" in the finder and then enter the path to it). Thanks for the link to that page btw!

But now I know where to find the frameworks and the dylibs (if these *.hpp files really are the dylibs), but I still don't know what I need to fill in in the *.pro file.

When I worked with my own built of SFML, I needed to link the libraries with
 LIBS +=  -L "/Path/To/The/Libs/lib" -lsfml-window -lsfml ...
 INCLUDE = "/Path/To/SFML/ SFML 2.0"
This was it.

But now I can only find some *.hpp files in /usr/local, but no SFML 2.0 folder to "INCLUDE" in the *.pro file.
So, can I just do it with linking the libs?

If this is possible, can I also copy the content of the SFML folder in /usr/local to some other folder?

Thanks in advance!


General / [solved] SFML installation on Mac OSX Lion with Qt
« on: September 23, 2012, 12:02:59 pm »
Hello everyone,

I noticed there was an installer for the release candidate, so I downloaded it and installed it.
But the installer was made for Xcode, but I would love to use SFML in Qt.

Can someone tell me what to do to use it in Qt? I don't know what I need to change in the *.pro file and what to link since I don't know where the installer has put the files...



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