General / Re: SFML 2.0 game on Visual-Studio 2012 doesn't kill the proocess when closing.
« on: March 11, 2013, 10:13:42 am »Well closing the window, doesn't close the application, it ehrm just closes the window.I don't understand. How else am I supposed to close the game other than window.close()? I've ran this game on visual studio 2010, codeblocks and many other IDEs, it works fine, not to mention the official example still does it. It's not the code, it's the IDE. I followed a video from a user because there's no official tutorial for visual studio 2012, just 2008 and 2010. Also there is no stop button since I'm running the game without debugging it like I always have.
But of course if you'd do something like:while(window.isOpen())
Then the while loop should get exited.
Now I don't really know what your exactly doing. With VS you should be able to simply press the stop button, so the manual way wouldn't be that bad.I've compiled SFML from the latest snapshot as soon as I got Visual Studio 2012, more specifically I used this video for help, did exactly every step in the video.I can only suggest to follow strictly the official tutorials rather than following some video tutorials on youtube.except I noticed the latest snapshot has no getDefaultFont() which was really handy, but it was no problem,Yes it was removed for licensing issues and to fix other reoccurring problems.