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Messages - Octav23

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Well closing the window, doesn't close the application, it ehrm just closes the window. ;)

But of course if you'd do something like:

Then the while loop should get exited.
Now I don't really know what your exactly doing. With VS you should be able to simply press the stop button, so the manual way wouldn't be that bad.

I've compiled SFML from the latest snapshot as soon as I got Visual Studio 2012, more specifically I used this video for help, did exactly every step in the video.
I can only suggest to follow strictly the official tutorials rather than following some video tutorials on youtube.

except I noticed the latest snapshot has no getDefaultFont() which was really handy, but it was no problem,
Yes it was removed for licensing issues and to fix other reoccurring problems.
I don't understand. How else am I supposed to close the game other than window.close()? I've ran this game on visual studio 2010, codeblocks and many other IDEs, it works fine, not to mention the official example still does it. It's not the code, it's the IDE. I followed a video from a user because there's no official tutorial for visual studio 2012, just 2008 and 2010. Also there is no stop button since I'm running the game without debugging it like I always have.

I've compiled SFML from the latest snapshot as soon as I got Visual Studio 2012, more specifically I used video for help, did exactly every step in the video.

The games run fine, no errors, except I noticed the latest snapshot has no getDefaultFont() which was really handy, but it was no problem, I fixed it easily. Now the problem is, even after calling the close() method, the process can still be seen running in the process explorer window, even if the window of the game is closed. This makes me unable to run the game again without getting an error, and I am forced to waste time and close the process MANUALLY every time I compile again, not to mention I can't actually release any games that hang in the memory after the game is closed.

Now this isn't my code, I tried compiling the example code from the website, it runs PERFECT but the process still hangs after closing the window, I'm almost 100% sure it's the IDE. What can I do to fix this?

Also no, I am not running any multi-threaded games, I am certain, I tried re-building, re-setting a new project with new settings, I am using windows 7 and Visual Studio 2012.

General / Re: Failed to Initialize GLEW. Missing GL version
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:32:39 pm »
Most details that you need are found here and on the SO question, but my mingw version is the latest, and qt is also latest, and I've tried doing a fresh qt SDK install, and a fresh qt creator install, even a fresh SFML install as well  :-\

General / Re: Failed to Initialize GLEW. Missing GL version
« on: January 13, 2013, 02:16:22 pm »
What version of MinGW does QtCreator ship with?
Have you ever tried to compile the application directly with GCC instead via the IDE?

I've never had problems with MinGW and SFML, so I don't really see where the problem is. Btw. there's also Code::Blocks if you don't want to work with VS. ;)

I suppose I compiled the application with gcc when I was running it on VS or C::B because it worked perfectly fine when I did, it's the qt creator that's the problem, and I can't quite tell what, and I doubt I'll find out. I like C::B but it's not really suited for big projects, I used it at first but as the project grew I had to switch the IDE

General / Re: Failed to Initialize GLEW. Missing GL version
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:40:30 pm »
So I suppose nobody has a fix for this so I'll get back to VS  :-\

General / Re: Failed to Initialize GLEW. Missing GL version
« on: January 11, 2013, 04:34:09 pm »
The code above runs perfectly fine, the only problems I'm having is with sprites and texture, as soon as I add a sprite it shows the errors I pointed above, I don't understand what determines if the errors appear when closing the program or when opening, because I have 2 projects, same configurations: On one project I have the whole game, and the errors appear when it opens and sprites appear like boxes, and the 2nd project, where I have just 1 file with similar code as above except it also renders a sprite, but in that project the sprites appear normal and the errors are shown when closing the program.

Overall this behaviour is incredibly weird, I'm sure it's something really silly, but I can't think of even 1 thing I've done wrong, I just have no clue

General / Re: Failed to Initialize GLEW. Missing GL version
« on: January 11, 2013, 04:01:18 pm »
It doesn't really matter because I can use SFML for any IDE possible except qt creator
Well you didn't specify that... ;)
(Might as well link to the SO question.)

Make sure that Qt Creator doesn't provide some of it's own glew/opengl versions.

What does happen if you start the application not from within Qt, but directly via the explorer?
Qt Creator is using MinGW underneath and since that works without problem (at least on my system), it must be some strange environment variables setup by Qt.

Sorry I forgot to mention that, I was assuming most of the people saw my other thread. I have no idea if qt creator set up any enviromentals or if it uses it's own version of openGL (possible)

Running from explorer does nothing, console opens and closes instantly, without any message in it. And yes all the DLLs are there and everything needed.  :-\

General / Re: Failed to Initialize GLEW. Missing GL version
« on: January 11, 2013, 02:41:43 pm »
What graphics card do you have?
Is the driver up-to-date? Because it the error sounds like it's not. ;)

It doesn't really matter because I can use SFML for any IDE possible except qt creator but the answers are: Nvidia Geforce 210 and yes, last update was about 2 months or so ago.

General / Failed to Initialize GLEW. Missing GL version
« on: January 11, 2013, 02:21:52 pm »
In a previous thread I've mentioned similar errors and a fresh install for qt creator did the trick at first, but as soon as I imported my source into the IDE everything went bad again, now creating a new project results in the same errors and it appears something is not right here. upon compiling my SFML game this is what I get, and all sprites appear as boxes in-game:

Someone on SO told me I should make sure SFML's not being released before I initialize GLEW but I don't know what that means, I thought SFML handles all the OpenGL things for me so I wouldn't have to worry about it. I'm sure it's something silly but I really don't know where to even start with fixing this, as I have 0 knowledge of OpenGL. And also, why is the max texture size 250x250? That is really small, if I were to make a fullscreen this could be a serious issue, unless it's just my computer

General / Re: Very strange SFML string behaviour in qt creator
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:37:25 pm »
Everything works now. A fresh install of qt creator did the trick (God I've been struggling for this for a long time).

Thank you a ton Laurent, your graphical library has helped me immensely in my career as a beginner game developer, it's truly a gem in the many graphical libraries out there and I'll never switch to anything else  :D

General / Re: Very strange SFML string behaviour in qt creator
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:32:35 pm »
For some reason restarting my computer magically made SFML work again on the fresh install of qt creator. I'll run a test again and tell you what happens.

General / Re: Very strange SFML string behaviour in qt creator
« on: January 09, 2013, 09:41:36 pm »
OK here's what I tried: I uninstalled the entire QT sdk and IDE from my computer and re-downloaded SFML in the same location, however now it won't even recognize the SFML setting. It's the same .pro file as before:

CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= qt

INCLUDEPATH += F:/SFML-2.0-rc/include
INCLUDEPATH += D:/boost_1_51_0

LIBS += -LF:/SFML-2.0-rc/lib

CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -lsfml-audio -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-network -lsfml-system -lsfml-window
CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -lsfml-audio-d -lsfml-graphics-d -lsfml-network-d -lsfml-system-d -lsfml-window-d

SOURCES += main.cpp

However it's telling me "Cannot open include file  'SFML/System.hpp': No such file or directory and all I did was #include <SFML/System.hpp>

Is my .pro file alright? Why is it so difficult to set up SFML on qt creator?

General / Re: Very strange SFML string behaviour in qt creator
« on: January 09, 2013, 03:47:37 pm »
And are you sure that your gcc is a DW2 one? (you can check with "gcc -v")

To make sure that it's not a version mismatch, you should recompile SFML yourself.
I checked if it's a version mismatch and it's not (months ago before I bought this new computer I had a version mismatch, and it wasn't behaving like this, it was essentially flooding me with errors which isn't the case now)

I also checked the gcc and it is

General / Re: Very strange SFML string behaviour in qt creator
« on: January 09, 2013, 03:27:11 pm »
Are you sure? That's SFML 1.6, not 2.0.
No, my bad, I rushed when I took the screenshot, I downloaded the first link in the 2.0 snapshot location at the download page, it's called "Windows 32 bits - GCC DW2 (11.5 MB)"

Sorry about that, my bad

General / Re: Very strange SFML string behaviour in qt creator
« on: January 09, 2013, 02:47:03 pm »
Did you compile SFML yourself? If not, where did you get it? And what's your version of gcc?
No, I didn't compile SFML myself, what I did was download this:

Then unpacked it in my F:\ directory, and set it up for each IDE in particular.

My gcc version is 4.6.2

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