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Messages - fardin

Pages: [1]
General / Re: How to install Snapshot version of SFML?
« on: February 16, 2022, 01:01:43 pm »
In fact, the folder is a bit confusing.
It is not like X-files 86-64 and has a slightly different structure.

I did all the instructions according to the tutorial, but I could not do one command
"Xcode templates
This feature is optional but we strongly recommend that you install it. Copy the SFML directory from templates to ~ / Library / Developer / Xcode / Templates (create the folders if they do not exist yet)."

There was no such file in the folder.
How can I find this?
Or should I not do this at all? ;D

General / How to install Snapshot version of SFML?
« on: February 16, 2022, 06:44:42 am »
Hello ;)

I have a MacBook  M1.

According to the questions and answers I read, there is no stable version. :(
So I have to install Snapshot but I do not know how to install it.
Please help me install this :)

Pages: [1]