Download link page :
Today I'd like to show you the project I'm working on since a long time : FM Composer. It's a software allowing the user to design their own sound using FM synthesis and create a song with them.
It's made for musician/composers but also for developers, as the musics created with this tool can be integrated in any other app and altered in real-time, allowing for high degree of interactivity (dynamic instrument changes, tempo changes, reverb, sync'ed and evolving music...)
Sound demo and how to design an instrument : uses SFML for all input, drawing, events... I only slightly modified the library to get a sharper font rendering and add file drop support on Windows.
You can easily add notes with your (computer) keyboard :
Instrument creation page. Quite a lot of parameters, but it's all there without submenus for fast editing once you are used to it :
A simple piano roll view, with limited editing features but always fun to have :
The sound engine is made from scratch, it's a bit like 80's synths that use FM but in more powerful.
FM Composer is released with a lot of pre-made instruments, covering the whole General MIDI set, so it can import MIDIs without any problem.
Download here if you want to give it a try : is a complete documentation with tutorial on the website too
Of course the program is free and open-source, see the GitHub : (probably not the best code, but I'm open for improvements !)