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Network / TcpSocket connect on Android does not behave correctly
« on: June 01, 2024, 02:08:09 pm »
Hello everybody!
Working with the TcpSocket for some time now, I encountered a couple of problems using it. I think I will make new posts for the other ones in the future, but this one is really wierd and makes it kind of unusable.

Whenever I initialize a TcpSocket on Android and call its connect() method, wierd things happen. With my local ip it works just fine. It waits the specified amount of time for a connection and returns either status Error or status Done (just as you'd expect). This is the case on both Windows and Android. But with some (including my) public ips (just!) on Android, it seems to always recognize the ip as incorrectly formatted or something like that and returns status Disconnected immediately.
This is wierd because the exact same code behaves perfectly fine on Windows (and mabye other OSs), but becomes unusable on Android if you want to have it initiate a connection (the sf::TcpListener works fine too).

Minimal example (same for Android as for Windows):
#include <SFML/Networking.hpp>

int main() {
    sf::TcpSocket socket;
    socket.connect("SomePublicIp", 42069, sf::seconds(10));
    return 0;

Additional info:
I used Visual Studio 2022 and SFML-2.6.1 on Windows and the (btw SUPER convenient) App CxxDroid with SFML-2.5.1 already setup on Android. The version difference shouldn't matter since the changelog shows that only very little in the networking module changed, nothing to do with this problem I think.

Also (if it matters) I have set up port forwarding and am on different networks (one being my home router and the other one my phones mobile network). I additionally even restarted my router to get a new public Ip, but it doesn't work with this new one either. It now works (i.e. waits 10 seconds and returns status Error instead of instant status Disconnected) though with my old Ip, just as my router switched Ips! What's going on here?

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance! ;D

General / Help with distribution for macOS (Xcode not working)
« on: December 15, 2023, 08:43:38 pm »

I recently had to work with macOS and sfml on it and it was a real pain until now.
My problem is that I have to distribute a macOS version of an sfml project (originally on windows) which I for some reaseon can't get to work at all.
It feels like I've searched the whole internet for a fix or any alternative but nothing seems to work and be assured, I have tried a lot. Searching in every website until google page ~10, asked all youtubers that made a tutorial on it why it won't work (most of them answered), searched through every forum I know of and tried every provided solution that may work and even tried every search engine available in my browser to mabye get some different search results. Nothing seems to fix it or in other words, no one seems to have my problem.

For an easy distribution I wanted to use Xcode, so I exactly followed all the steps on the official tutorial page (using frameworks and the app template) and ticked a checkmark in Build Phases -> Run Script (because everyone was suggesting to do that due to an error). After doing that, it worked for everyone I saw but I just got an error saying the library could not be loaded and there was "no such file" of sfml-system.
Full error (Project name is "Testing"):
(click to show/hide)
I am on a virtual machine with root access running the latest macOS.

At some point I wondered if sfml would even work on this system (I don't know why I had conerns it wouldn't) so I used cmake to generate, in this case, unix makefiles to run a small test program and with that it worked perfectly fine. Since my goal isn't to code on mac but rather just to build an already existing and running project for sending it to other mac useres (at best to be run as an out of the box and ready to use program), it really doesn't matter how I get there as long as I do so. But to ship this cmake project as out of the box, I do not really understand how I can fit the library in there or just link it statically + there are also almost no resources out there (I am kind of a noob when it comes to more advanced command line stuff).

Concluding: All I want is just a way to ship my sfml project as an out of the box application to other mac users. I would prefer Xcode since it's the more mainstream way I think but everything which does the job is perfectly fine as well.

I would really appreciate if anyone could help me out or provide a hint in which direction I could further research.

Thanks :)

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