SFML projects / Re: Nero Game Engine
« on: May 25, 2020, 02:45:29 am »
Nero Game Engine d2.0.1 Released
Hi everyone ! how do you do , I am happy to announce the release of the Engine Demo version 2.0.1
The Engine is provided with a BSD Licence
You can download it here : https://nero-games.com/download
It's my first time releasing an installable software, if you find any problem please let me known.
The Configuration Wizard
When the Engine starts, it checks that everything is ok before you can use it. When something is not ok the Configuration Wizard will help to configure it.
Configure a Code Editor
You can choose between Qt Creator or Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017 will not work, only the latest versions of Visual Studio 2019 are compatible.
You can download Qt offline with the link provided by the wizard or search "qt online installer" on the internet.
Configure Texture Packer
Configure a Workspace
The Engine needs at least one Workspace. If you already have one you can import it, if not, you need to create one.
All inputs are checked against a regex and need to match a certain pattern. For example, the namespace should only have 2 to 10 characters and only use letters (regex = ^[a-zA-Z]{2,10}). I will explain everything in detail later.
Here is an example of input
Hi everyone ! how do you do , I am happy to announce the release of the Engine Demo version 2.0.1
The Engine is provided with a BSD Licence
You can download it here : https://nero-games.com/download
It's my first time releasing an installable software, if you find any problem please let me known.
The Configuration Wizard
When the Engine starts, it checks that everything is ok before you can use it. When something is not ok the Configuration Wizard will help to configure it.
Configure a Code Editor
You can choose between Qt Creator or Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017 will not work, only the latest versions of Visual Studio 2019 are compatible.
You can download Qt offline with the link provided by the wizard or search "qt online installer" on the internet.
Configure Texture Packer
Configure a Workspace
The Engine needs at least one Workspace. If you already have one you can import it, if not, you need to create one.
All inputs are checked against a regex and need to match a certain pattern. For example, the namespace should only have 2 to 10 characters and only use letters (regex = ^[a-zA-Z]{2,10}). I will explain everything in detail later.
Here is an example of input
- Location : use the browse button and select your Desktop
- Workspace Name : My Workspace
- Company Name : Nero Games
- Project Lead : team-lead
- Project Namespace : ng