Audio / Audio Crash
« on: August 01, 2011, 02:10:45 am »Quote
Please provide a example that uses only SFML, so that we understand everything and can exclude other error sources. A single file with only a main() function, no fancy stuff. And it would be nice if the error still occurred Wink
The fact that it does not produce an error with DX included shows that DX is not the error. In my main program, the only time it crashes is when SFML code is loaded (commenting out calls to LoadSoundSFML makes no crash on shut down but putting it back in does crash).
Are you sure that the sound is loaded correctly? I ask because your "error handling" in LoadSoundSFML() is completely useless.
I have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm doing when it comes to SFML. The tutorial on audio helped extremely little in me understanding this. I also have to ask where you saw any thing that pertained to error handling in my SFML code. Everything in it is ripped straight from the tutorial.
Have you tried the SFML Audio sample?
Yes. That works. I don't know why it works and there is nothing related to audio that is separating my code and the audio sample beyond the sample displaying information to the screen.