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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #135 on: November 14, 2021, 03:01:38 am »

Elastic Sprite (wiki)
Added ability to assign a flip to the texture.

Horizontal and/or vertical flips can now be assigned to the texture in Elastic Sprite. This allows the ability to assign the texture rectangle as normal but still use it flipped. This works with both interpolation shaders as well as without the shader.

If es is the Elastic Sprite, to assign the flip you can do both or either of:
You can also 'unflip' by setting them to false.
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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #136 on: June 20, 2023, 06:50:35 pm »

It has been a while since I've updated this post so I thought it time to bring everyone up to speed with the current state of Selba Ward!

Here, I will be listing the main updates that I've not previously mentioned.

First, though, it should be mentioned that Selba Ward now has a branch that can be used with the currently work-in-progress version 3 of SFML.
You can visit that branch here:
Note that the documentation is still for the current version of SFML (v2) and will stay that way until the official release of SFML 3. However, very little has changed with the way it can be used anyway; most of the (current) changes are just so that it can communicate with SFML 3 without errors.

Now, back to the main (master) branch and SFML 2...

Generally, all drawables have had any use of the quad primitive removed in advance of the upcoming depreciation of it within SFML. This allows it to be more 'future-proof' for later 2.x versions of SFML as well as bridging a gap to the upcoming v3.

The old version of Console Screen has been removed. The newest version is better anyway ;)

New Additions!

Starfield 3D (wiki)
A 3D starfield of randomly generated stars.

I'm sure you must have all seen Starfield by now. You may also have noticed its limitations due to its simplicity. It's still, of course, available and can be useful for a simple way to draw pixel stars. The pixel limitation was the reason I decided to make something a bit better; if a screen is high-resolution, pixels are smaller and therefore the stars become less noticable and may require drawing to a render texture first before then enlarging them to be able to see them.

Now, Starfield 3D alleviates this issue by allowing you to draw and actual star shape for every star instead of just a single pixel! In fact, this star shape can be anything at all; you can customise it fully (shape and colour)! Starfield 3D then scales and colours the stars based on depth but the scales and colours can be customised too.
Not just that, but the actual starfield itself is now projected with perspective and is now 'actually' 3D. This allows full control over camera movement to allow fully-3D motion including forwards and backwards (into and out of the scene).

Here is a short animation showing the style of effect:

Note that this GIF animation is looped so there is a noticeable jump when the animation restarts. This does not occur in the actual code.

These are the default star shapes but, as mentioned previously, they can be any shape at all - any collection of triangles (positions and colours!). You can simply pass a vertex array to Starfield 3D and it will copy it as a star template. Remember, of course, that it will be drawn with a primitive type of sf::PrimitiveType::Triangles so the vertex array should probably match that if you want predictable results. Note also that stars cannot be textured.

Creates a filled polygon from any given number of vertices/points.

Yup! Any convex/concave shape!
It automatically triangulates any 'solid' shape although you should note that overlapping edges are not allowed. It's not perfect and can break and very very complicated shapes but it does the job fine for most normal shapes and I plan to improve it over time.

There is no documentation for this right now but, of course, there will be. Plus, it should be pretty self-explanatory. You may notice there are some methods customise the way that triangulation is performed but there are no extra options at the moment; these will be used when those are added.

Pixel Display (wiki)
A resizable grid or squares that be coloured individually.

Its intention is to simplify emulating more retro-style displays but can be used for any mosaic-style art.
It stores a palette of colours and then you can reference them by palette index instead of colour. This means if the palette changes, the display also changes and uses the new palette colours. This also allows (built-in) colour-cycling (as shown in the following animation).
You could think of it as a tilemap for colours instead of textures. It also has built-in 'commands' to manipulate it as if it were a pixel display.

It was used to create this animation:

Now for some updates to already existing drawables:

Spline (wiki)
A few additions and fixes:
  • In standard usage, corners no longer overlap so transparency can be used.
  • A Spline can be added to the end (or beginning) or a Spline.
  • A Spline can be 'connected' to another Spline. This can move the entire Spline or just the single vertex required. The Spline can also be automatically rotated so that the two joining vertices match orientation.
  • Both of the above methods can be done as one act - adding a Spline to the end of the Spline while also moving and/or rotating to match.

Patch updates
All or most of the drawables have had patch updates to fix various issues including:
  • Removing the use of the quad primitive in advance of it becoming deprecated.
  • Fixing compiler errors.
  • Code consistency.
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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #137 on: June 20, 2023, 07:13:02 pm »
Awesome! :)

Need to play around a bit more with all these goodies ;)
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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #138 on: June 20, 2023, 10:18:39 pm »
So cool to see people building on top of v3!


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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #139 on: June 26, 2023, 07:09:02 pm »
Thanks and I hope you enjoy them :)
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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #140 on: June 26, 2023, 07:12:43 pm »

Polygon (wiki)
Polygon can now create a polygon...with holes!

Now also has documentation! See its wiki page for a couple of simple examples including one that produces this image:
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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #141 on: November 04, 2023, 09:56:47 pm »
Hey! I was building an app using the ConsoleScreen, and I've noticed that it fails to set the background whenever I pass a background color to it.

I've called cs.crash() and streamed the default color green change directly to the console?
« Last Edit: November 04, 2023, 10:13:41 pm by PrinceDabus »


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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #142 on: November 07, 2023, 11:48:42 am »

I'm glad you're finding use of Selba Ward!

However, I'm sorry to hear that you're having some issue with the use of Console Screen.

Could you please provide some small code that reproduces this issue that I can test as I've not yet come across an issue where the background colour has failed to set when required?

Thank you very much! I'd like to find this issue as soon as possible so there can be a fix :)
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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #143 on: February 04, 2025, 11:53:10 am »

Again, it has been a while since I've updated this post.
Here is an update to the current state of Selba Ward!

Here, I will be listing the main updates that I've not previously mentioned.

The most important change is that Selba Ward is now, by default, aimed at SFML 3. That means that the main/master branch is now for SFML 3. Its state at replacement has been stored in a separate branch: "sfml", that allows usage with SFML 2 with that branch. Note that that branch will likely not receive any further updates and will also likely be removed in the future. Consider it a temporary availability until you can upgrade to SFML 3.

The documentation (the Wiki and also the tutorials) is all still for the SFML 2 but will be updated and corrected over time to match (SFML 3).

New Additions!

Sprite Batch (wiki)
A batch of sprites.

If you've ever had an issue with too many sprites, this object is for you!

A single Sprite Batch contains multiple sprites that can all be manipulated individually.
However, they are all drawn as a single vertex array, allowing them all to be drawn with a single draw call.

They can be ordered as well by either a function (such as sorting) or by manually providing a list of indices, allowing choice of simplicity or full control.

Its usage is pretty simple too: you can either set a sprite's properties (scale, position, rotation etc.) similarly to an sf::Sprite's properties or you can pass an already prepared sf::Sprite and it will duplicate it internally.

Frame Transition (wiki)
Ability to create transitions from one image to another.

This is based on the concept of video transitions and provides multiple transition forms from one textured quad (or tile or "frame") to another.

The "wipe" transition does not overlap the two frames even though one of the forms is to show one frame going behind the other (like shuffling cards), for example.

The "zoom" transition does overlap the frames.

Each frame can be given movement animation as well as zoom animation and colour fade animation. This allows a high degree of control for transitions.

This is designed for "flourish" animations, allowing transitions between two visuals rather than just switching between them or "just" fading between them (although that is possible simply too!)

It can also be used as a more advanced "progress bar". For example, Selba Ward's Progress Bar draws the bar over a background whereas Frame Transition can do it without overlapping them - great for semi-transparent objects!

This is a relatively new object and does not currently have any documentation on the Wiki.
See if you can figure everything out yourself. There's a challenge for you!

Now for some updates to already existing drawables:

Spline (wiki)
A few additions:
  • Added copy constructor.
  • Added ability to export all positions at once.
  • Added ability to export all interpolated positions at once.
  • Added ability to scale and move the entire Spline.

Polygon (wiki)
Some additions:
  • Can now be constructed from another Polygon or an initializer list.
  • Direct access to a Polygon's vertex now available.
  • Can now switch the direction of its vertices.
  • Polygon can now be textured.
  • Each vertex can be given a colour and texture co-ordinate.
  • An automatic wireframe can be added.
  • Provides information about its perimeter and area.
  • Local and global bounds are now available.
  • Its internal triangle limit is now customisable.
  • Can get "centroid" and "centre of mass" (different things).
  • A point-in-polygon test is now built in.
  • Vertex positions or wireframe vertices can be exported.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 12:01:08 pm by Hapax »
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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #144 on: February 04, 2025, 01:07:14 pm »
Ohhh, these updates are really cool to see! :)
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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #145 on: February 20, 2025, 08:16:08 am »
Quick Update!

Just a quick update to say that although Frame Transition has been available for some weeks/months now, it has had no documentation or examples. Now there are! I can understand that it might seem daunting at first (especially without documentation!) but hopefully the example can show just how simple it can be.

Here's the wiki page, explaining everything and included the code for the simple examples:

The 2 very short simple examples included on that wiki page create these transitions:
A wipe-style transition:

A push/slide-style transition:

And, here's a short video demonstrating multiple transition forms:

The code for the example that was used to create the above video is all here:

The rest of Selba Ward's wiki is currently undergoing updates to match the SFML 3 versions now available.
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Re: Selba Ward
« Reply #146 on: February 21, 2025, 06:44:13 am »

The Selba Ward wiki has now been updated to reflect the use of SFML 3.

This means that all of the wiki pages for each of the objects should now be up-to-date and all of the simple examples will run with SFML 3.

In addition, I've added a simple example for Pixel Display since it didn't have one.
That short, simple example generates an animation that I captured in a GIF:

Selba Ward -SFML drawables
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