Hi, I've been doing sfml for a while, just encountered this issue and I am aware that this means that somewhere I might be attempting to copy something, maybe the window
however, I don't see anywhere that I would do this.
I have a class in a .h file and this is the implementation.
http://pastebin.com/kq5uCJfGI can't even try to debug because for some reason (new to VS, so maybe some weird setting) it just skips over my debug stop points, although it never happened before.
So if anyone can please see my error (the way I use this implementation, is I have a render window in a class that uses an object of type Particles, which I send in Particles as a reference. I've done this with every other object I use in my project and it works fine.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
*Edit : Forgot to put full error =
http://pastebin.com/5E3yFXjv**Edit: The error is referring to the particlesystem, however, I don t seem to be using it any different then how it is being used in the examples.