after quite some work, my new game KreiselBall (commercial) is right before release.
I am currently building levels and i guess it will be finished in the next two weeks or so.
The game concept is similar to a few old school games from the SNES times. You play a ball, which just falls down, and you can turn the world around it. It will feature 2 game modes, race and puzzle. On puzzle you have to clear the screen from colored objects by changing your own color and then hitting them.
More information will be available on its
homepageI have made a particle emitter class for the game, which can currently achieve quite a few effects like rain, animated clouds, explosions and more. I currently have a problem with it, which makes it not very usable for other projects, so it would require some work to make it available for others, but if the interest is high enough, i could release it to the public, maybe under BSD license. Please let me know if you are interested.