meissner61: Thank you for the compliment! But I did have some experience in Python before I started learning C++, so I was familiar with classes, functions, containers, variables, etc... C++ is definitely a different animal, but I am finding it to be a blast. And I have actually found some things in C++ come easier to me than they did or still have in Python. I think I am sold on this language for a while, and I'm sold on SFML for sure.
Pyrius: Excellent suggestions, and both of them should be very easy to implement! Thank you so much for playing it and commenting, and I will implement both of those ideas today!
[Edit: Pyrius, I implemented both of your suggestions, which were dead on. Others have agreed wholeheartedly that the game needed to start up in a Paused state. Also, solving the food issue (where you can see it spawning and jumping around if you have a really long snake) was as easy as adjusting the draw order so that the food draws before the body. This way it will always draw underneath the body if it spawns in the same piece of the grid. Again, thanks for those suggestions.]