I wouldn't really know how to post the code because there's just so much =/
But, somehow, when I display sf::Text on the RenderWindow, I have a texture applied to the texts (all of them) when I never did anything like that.
(I didn't even know you could apply textures to texts)
I've been trying to find the simplest way to replicate the issue but I can't =/
I do know that I use the following:
Texture and Sprite are for the 'units' in my game while Font and Text are for little menus.
I don't see any direct interaction between the classes that would make it bug but it's happening to me.
Replicable in my project but not from scratch.
I'm using SFML2.0
I would upload the entire project but it's 70MB =/
I moved the source files to a new project and zipped it up:
http://a2step.com/ErrorProj.rarIt won't compile straight away as it needs the libs, dlls and header files for SFML2.0 to be configured for it.
Anyways, if you run it, go to NewGame->Easy, you will see the text bug with a texture applied on it =/
I wish I could replicate it in an easy way but I can't =/