Thanks for your comment eXpl0it3r

Cool game and actually not as easy as it looks in the video. 
I know. I have experience with the game.

What would be nice is a health bar so one knows how much of a fight one should risk.
It's a useful thing that I will add sooner or later.
Also there seems to be kind of a bug, when I got a few policemen on my left side on the furthers right side, they started to spawn again at the exact same spot as the went down and so I ended up with an infinite beating time, since the ones that went down respawned soon after.
I am aware that this behavior might seem wrong, but it prevents the player can gather all the cops in one spot and wreck the cars away from them with too much ease. I suggest to avoid this situation.

Anyway I know I have to make substantial changes to the gameplay and make it more playable. Unfortunately I only had 3 days available to complete the game. :/