Edit: I've posted this in graphics because I think it's not .net specific.
I have just started working with SFML (2.0 RC) in C# with the .Net Binding. To get a feel for the whole thing I wrote a simple test application with the help of the API documentation. I'm drawing a sprite with a 250*250 test texture, which I'm moving ten pixels at a time by modifying its position via a KeyPressed Event Handler. Additionally, I've registered a MouseButtonPressed Event Handler for clicking my sprite. To do that, I'm comparing the mouse position with the FloatRect of the sprite.
public void OnMousePressed
(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e
) { Vector2f mousePos
= new Vector2f
).X, Mouse
).Y); switch (e
.Button) { case Mouse
.Button.Left: if(sprite
.X, mousePos
.Y)) { window
.Close(); } break; } } That works like a charm. But, if I have moved the sprite previously, then nothing happens when clicking on the new position. Instead, the window closes when I click the old position of the sprite.
This is my OnKeyPressed method:
public void OnKeyPressed
(object sender, KeyEventArgs e
) { float x
= sprite
.Position.X; float y
= sprite
.Position.Y; switch(e
.Code) { case Keyboard
.Key.Up: y
-= 10f
; break; case Keyboard
.Key.Down: y
+= 10f
; break; case Keyboard
.Key.Left: x
-= 10f
; break; case Keyboard
.Key.Right: x
+= 10f
; break; } Vector2f newPosition
= new Vector2f
(x, y
); sprite
.Position = newPosition
; Console
.GetGlobalBounds().ToString()); } It always displays the same debug info: [FloatRect] Left(0) Top(0) Width(250) Height(250).
So, have I made a mistake? How is GetGlobalBounds() calculated and why isn't it using the new position of the sprite? Does it not use the Position member at all? Thanks for any help!