Hey all! Long time no see. I've practiced SFML for a long time now on Windows and even Linux. It has even helped me begin to learn OpenGL. I currently have now a Mac at my disposal and I would like very much to learn how to dev on it as well. It is a totally new kettle of fish as I have discovered and XCode is frustratingly different from everything I've done in the past.
I've downloaded SFML 2.0 from the Git repo, installed Cmake and Doxygen and built the source.
I get no errors and it builds fine but the examples that use freetype or sndfile don't work.
The message the terminal gives me is this :
~ ratejada$ /Users/ratejada/Downloads/SFML-master/examples/opengl/opengl ; exit;
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/freetype.framework/Versions/A/freetype
Referenced from: /Users/ratejada/Downloads/SFML-master/examples/opengl/opengl
Reason: image not found
Cocoa example doesn't work either. It just opens and closes immediately without even giving an error
However the examples that only use SFML do work, like the window example with the rotating cube.
Any help? Thanks. Also, I am a TOTAL Mac noob. Last time I used it was back in high school to write papers.
Also to Mac SFML devs out there, could I get some pointers on things I should know and should be doing?
-edited typo.