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I'm not sure. I'll just looked at the source of SFML, and this is what it looks like:1.Qt creates the window2.Qt gives me the HWND3.I give SFML the HWND Window4.SFML attaches it's own WndProc callback function to it, but saves the previous (Qt's) WndProc.5.SFML receives the messages, processes them, then forwards them to the previous (Qt's) WndProc.So it looks like SFML gets to process the Win32 events before Qt. I don't know why SFML is not processing the key presses (but is receiving mouse messages) then, but why it was previously with Qt 4.8.
It's known that events don't work 100% when SFML is embedded into another GUI framework. It depends on the GUI framework and on the OS, and I don't know exactly why. So the best solution in this case is to use the event system of the GUI framework.
But in Qt you have to call setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); in order for keyPressed events to be passed to SFML (take a look at the 1.6 tutoria).