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Author Topic: Slotpot++ (Beta 1.1 Mar 28 2009)  (Read 6006 times)

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Slotpot++ (Beta 1.1 Mar 28 2009)
« on: February 22, 2009, 02:07:39 pm »
It's finally time to release a beta version of Slotpot++. A new, polished version of my old Slotpot game, this time written in C++ (my first C++ game btw).

Game description quote from my website:

As the title implies, this game is about playing a slot machine. You need 3, 4 or 5 in a row to win. If you get the jackpot you will be able to participate in a bonus game. There are 4 different bonus games that with a little luck will give you a lot more money than a usual win.

If you are good/lucky enough you can show the world your score by submiting it to the online high score board.

For more info, screenshots and a download link, click the following link: http://www.dabostudios.net/v7/slotpotpp.php

Want to extend the game? read this:

If you want to create a new theme, follow these steps:
    1. Create a new folder with the theme name and put it here "/data/gfx/themes/'Your theme name'"

    2. Create 5 different images and name them 0,1,2,3 and 4 with 4 being the jackpot symbol (they must be .png and 96x96 pixels)

The game comes in both English and Swedish, if you want to translate it to another language what would be great. This is how you can do it:
    1. Go to "/data/languages"

    2. Make a copy of English.xml or Svenska.xml and rename it to for example Deutsch.xml for German and start translating (try to keep the sentences short if possible, otherwise it will look like shit :P ) :)

I would be happy to upload your themes and translations to my website, just send it to (dabo at dabostudios.net). A native English person is welcome to improve my English translation as well :)

As this is only a beta version, don't be surprised if there are still bugs present. Please report any bugs so I can fix them.

March 28th 2009

Beta version 1.1 is now available (same link).