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Author Topic: Some information SFML2.0  (Read 1635 times)

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Some information SFML2.0
« on: March 18, 2013, 08:35:04 pm »
I got an old computer, with stupid video card, and found some issues.
1. Render to texture issue
Before i used 1 RenderTexture to render anything i need, and copy it to other texture via sf::Image
Everything worked well except this computer, sfml can't recreate RenderTexture with new size (view create method). All textures were the same. The obvious solution was to create many RenderTextures for my needs.
2. OpenAl32.dll
Sfml uses software sound. Again on this computer i had issues with performance, the sound was awful. Solution is to rebuild OpenAl to use hardware (take sources from creative svn), rebuild sfml to use new lib and dll. (Also you need to add one more wrap_oal.dll)
3. Audio issue.
I got USB sound card, it works well, but when you unplug it, and plug again, application crashes. Solution was to comment out Joystick initialization and events. That's because windows detected sound card as input device.


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Re: Some information SFML2.0
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2013, 09:02:03 pm »
Which version of SFML do you use?

1. Render to texture issue
Can you please provide a complete and minimal example that reproduces the problem? And can you describe the problem more precisely?

2. OpenAl32.dll
The provided OpenAL uses hardware. Make sure that you really used the provided OpenAL32.dll, and not the default one that is in Windows/System (if you do, you don't need an wrap_oal.dll by the way).

3. Audio issue.
If Windows thinks it's a joystick... what am I supposed to do?
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer

