aaahm, thanks for the ideas ... but I am confused still :-)
I downloaded SFML 2.0 from this website directly, back in December (5months ago ? I believe) and I remember taking the extra steps to make a clean installation, as a matter of fact I spent a bit of time understanding how to built/compile SFML for my system ... and I remember it went smoothly with no errors at the time. (Of course I have forgotten most of those methods now, but I do remember having to download a few open source tools).
In any case, I have been writing a small game the past two weeks with no errors, that is until I tried to add some text elements yesterday. (It gives the same error regardless of whether I explicitly specify a font, or leave font info completely out)
So you guys think everything is properly linked except the text headers ? (by saying "everything" ... well I haven't checked audio, but so far keyboard, mouse, and graphics are fine)