However, the libraries included are all either .dll or .lib, neither of which are supported by dmd on OS X.
That is completely my own fault. DSFML was in the works before SFML 2.0 was officially released, and since I develop mainly on Windows I provided .dll's and .lib's for the most up to date version of CSFML for convenience to those that wanted to test it(Since DSFML currently runs by linking with CSFML).
It looks like the official downloads for CSFML for OSX don't provide .a files, only the .dylib's. Does OSX provide some kind of import library generator so that you can create the .a files from pre-existing .dylib's? Or perhaps DMD is able to link directly to .dylib's? If not, then you will have to build from scratch and probably make .a/.so's.
I've been meaning to write a wiki for the steps required to build CSFML anyways, so let me know if you need that in order to get DSFML up and running, but hopefully you can just download CSFML from
here and just link with the .dylib's.
I don't have a Mac, and I believe that everyone that's worked on DSFML with me on GitHub uses either Windows or Linux, so this would be a great opportunity to make sure DSFML works on OSX as well.
I just made a post on the D forums to see if there's any way for DMD to link directly to .dylib files.