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Author Topic: Question to issue #30  (Read 3213 times)

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Question to issue #30
« on: July 30, 2013, 12:30:26 am »
I am currently running into Issue #30. https://github.com/SFML/SFML/issues/30
Hope there will be a fix but thats not my question is about.

I am using Windows xp sp3 , yeah i am one of these guys, that still didnt updated there OS. ::)

So the Error just happens to Windows XP user, right?
So if it doesen´t happen if i compile my project in Win 7 , do Windows xp who want to play my game if its done run into this error?


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Re: Question to issue #30
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 01:12:23 pm »
So the Error just happens to Windows XP user, right?

From reading the bug report, yes.

So if it doesen´t happen if i compile my project in Win 7 , do Windows xp who want to play my game if its done run into this error?

I do get from where that you think compiling on a different OS would fix the crash, the crash comes from the OS it is running on, not from where it was compiled.

As for people wanting to play your game if it has a crash, I would say people want to play games depending on how good they are - not if they crash. Consider Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls and the big freezing issue it has (and still does), people still play it because it is a good game.
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