No idea what you just said.
You can easily get yourself your own small dll and lib hell when you link few things together and link some things twice to dll and exe or lib and exe or something, I think you had similar problem with glew being statically linked in SFML.
There are apparently few heaps(?) so something like that:
MyObj * obj=newObjInDll();
delete obj;
might(?) crash. I'm really not sure, I had static Lua on windows crash when vm was allocated in dll and operated on in exe which both linked in same static lib. I'm fairly sure that was it because it was gone when I started to link dynamic Lua to both. I don't know if it was memory because Lua vms have pointer to memory managing function so it'd use same malloc and free in both but it was for sure a problem with static linking because dll instantly fixed it without changing the offending code in exe and my dll.
Yeah... I guess Alan Turing, Ken Perlin, Bjarne Stroustrup, Tim Berners Lee, Bob Kahn, Vint Cerf, Linus Torvalds, Edsger Dijkstra, Ron Rivest, Claude Shannon, Jack Bresenham, Edgar Codd and many many others were all morons.
Sorry you misunderstood that. I meant morons as in people who write useless code anyway so they don't care about licensing because it's hacked together for one purpose and is going to get thrown away soon.
Also I know gcc, kernel, big parts of linux distros etc. are GPL*, but I'm not including them in what I program so I don't care, I'm a user of them, it doesn't affect me as programmer because I don't write compilers, frontends or kernel code. And I know dual licensing exists and that is much much better than GPL because it doesn't force GPL on you, a license between GPL and LGPL that'd just require you to release own code under ANY open source osi approved license(zlib, mit, apache, bsd,..., LGPL even) would be ok with me too. I just can't stand that the forced license is GPL, forced literally any other osi would be fine because it'd not lock out everyone who is not willing to go GPL. And I don't want to be forced to GPL ever because I really don't like fsf, gnu and stallman, because stallman is crazy, there is no other word for that, I'd die of starvation and loneliness if I did things the way he does, maybe he doesn't realize that not everyone is president of fsf who can 'live cheaply like a college student' and doesn't care about actual usability of the software. Stallman doesn't care about end user, he is crazy with his philosophy. Linus on the other hand says that free software will win because it's better, not because it's free, which is very good, he also cares about the users.
*They are not actually free: the kernel and any debian or fc based distro and most of the other distros**, because according to stallman allowing binary blob drivers and
enabling user to easily install non free software is breaking the freedom, like WTF? He is completely detached from reality, uses open source bios, is happy that his pc can't run windows at all and spends most time in emacs with linux(which he insists on being GNU Operating System) booted in mode without graphics. He places 'freedom' before actual usability and comfort of the end user, I will never ever support something like that unless fsf starts financing me too because stallmans approach is effectively total suicide in programming(which I'd like to do as a job in the future). Stallman and gnu actually encourage and promote locking in users and programmers to certain system and programs suite way more than apple, oracle or microsoft are trying to do it now.
**Distros that use Linus' kernel are automatically non free(you must strip non free binary blobs first to make it truly free), and free distros named similarly to non free ones don't get endorsed because there is chance someone might use non free one accidentally in the confusion. Also free distros are urged to have huge links go to encourage freedom.
I'm not speaking out of my ass here, this is all info from GNU and Stallman websites. Like really, anyone who supports the GPL and stallman(and maily stallman, that's the main reason I hate GPL, because his sick mind made it up and he is the fsf president) go read: free distro guidelines, free distro list, list of distros that are not free and the list of reasons they are not considered free, stallmans personal website. If you are not scared then I don't know what to think of you and I don't know how you got onto forum of zlib library that promotes non free software(since it uses GL which uses drivers which are non free). They do have some very very good ideas but they go batshit insane on them and have some really really bad and crazy ones too.