Basically, I've never progremmed with SFML before. I have alot of experience with c++ tho. What I'm trying to do is go slightly off course from the tutorial and create my own little texture.
Texture SwordTexture;
Image SwordImage;
float xSword=400, ySword=250;
IntRect SwordRect((int)xSword, (int)ySword, 50, 100);
if(!SwordTexture.create(50, 100))
if(!SwordTexture.loadFromImage(SwordImage, SwordRect))
std::cout<<"SwordTextueLoadFromFileError";//This part is causing some strange issues
The problem I'm having is this: The image is not loaded onto the Texture, and the program sends a really strange message saying the internal size of my texture is some riddiculus number like 4294966946x4294967149 and that the mximum is 16384x16384. Now, what I don't get is why it would do this, my image is only 50x100 pixels... I've had similar problems with other images Ive been trying to load :/ HELP!