The map which is the only affected object (Shapes or something do not give a shit on it) is at position and origin 0,0 and never changes, so i am pretty sure, that this part should be fine.
The view center allways gets done by something like this:
And the Player allways moves only 4 pixels, not more and not less, so it´s pretty impossible, that the map or the player or the view have a non integer value.
The view without defined is like this
MainView = sf::View(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, 512, 512));
And makes problems without zooming in or out, if i go for 300,300 size or something like that it goes to a acceptable size (same effect as zooming in a lot).
i dissabled everything else and still problems, so i think it´s pretty sure not about this :/
Viewsize 400,400 is like a absolute charm, couldnt be better, if i put 700 700 without zooming out or something, just the size of the view, its already messed up >.<