I've published two new video tutorials on my YouTube channel.
The videos introduce a new series:
"Dive into C++14".
Like the previous series, dedicated to the C++11 standard, "Dive into C++14" will show the convenience and power of the latest standard (C++14) through videos regarding various topics.
The format of the videos is what makes "Dive into C++11" and "Dive into C++14" different from other tutorials: well-commented and well-formatted independently compilable chronologically sequential code segments will show the audience the thought process behind writing modern C++14 code.
The first two videos are not really related to game development, but I find myself using the features/patterns described in them a lot for my game projects, so I hope they're not out-of-scope for the SFML forum.
* Dive into C++14 - [1] - Introduction to C++14 core language features
The first video is a brief introduction to some of my favorite new C++14 core language features.
It covers the following topics, using code examples:
* Function return type deduction.
* `decltype(auto)`.
* Relaxed constexpr restrictions.
* Variable templates.
* Generic lambdas.
The target audience is newcomers to the C++14 standard who already have some experience with C++11.
* Dive into C++14 - [2] - `for_each_argument` explained and expanded
The second video covers a very interesting code snippet originally posted on Twitter by Sean Parent: `for_each_argument`.
It shows and explains the usage of C++14 compile-time integer sequences, and analyzes a very interesting iterative implementation of an alternative version of Sean's function that takes the desired arity as a template parameter.
This tutorial video is a reviewed and improved version of my C++Now 2015 lightning talk ("`for_each_arg` explained and expanded").
Some possible use cases for the implemented functions are also shown and analyzed:
* `make_vector(...)`
* `forTuple` - iteration over tuple elements
* `make_unordered_map(...)`
The target audience is people with knowledge of C++11 features and some C++14 experience.
I greatly appreciate comments and criticism, and ideas for future videos/tutorials.
Feel free to fork/analyze/improve the source code at:
https://github.com/SuperV1234/Tutorials You can find previous episodes here: