I've improved some things and I'll update the git-hub repository this evening!
-Now, animations have children entities, animated entities can have another animated entities as children.
The interest is that you'll now be able to create bones animations, which each bone is a child of a parent animation. (And you can change children animated entity properties at each frame of the parent animation)
It's also usefull if an entity have several animations (a caracter for exemple which can attack, move, etc...)
-The entity manager can'll now choose the best way to render the scene, it depends if your PC support shader and render texture opengl functions or not.
So you don't have to care about the opengl functionnalities that your PC support.
But there is still a bug : the shadows aren't drawing but I'll correct that bug later, now, I would like to do network tests to implement the network module.
(Things become more complicate when I draw on a render texture and then on another render texture. (It's the case for the light and shadow maps, if rendertextures aren't supported the entity manager draw directly on the render window and do screen captures))
I would like to advance faster but I don't have so much time and I'm alone.
Ho, I've forgotten, I've also undefined references problem with my rectangle shapes classes.
Well, when I've finished to correct this last bugs and to put the networking and particule system in ODFAEG, I'll be able to begin to encode 3D features. (Terrain generation, 3D object loading, 3D shapes (sphere, etc...), and shadows and lighting in 3D, I think I'll use the opengl default lighting system if the PC doesn't support shaders otherwhise I'll made a pixel per pixel lighting, but i'm totally new with this but I would like to learn more about GLSL and opengl lighting)
A last things, the entities'll be able to have collision areas or volume now.
But I'm alone to do all of this so it'll take time, but one I'll have finished all of this, I'll be able to create awesome games of all genre.
![Smiley :)](https://www.sfml-dev.org/forums/Smileys/default/smiley.gif)
I'm quite happy to have a functionnal 2D graphics engine.
I think I'll also integrate a SQL driver into the framework and the QT SQL modules classes, so, I'll not have to install QT if I want to use a database.