There are also cases when ints or pointers that don't own resource are in use = manual 'management' but no leak danger or new/delete.
No, it's not memory management if you don't own the resources. Raw pointers that only act as indirections to objects, without ownership, are harmless. Maybe I could state that in the article.
I've had many compilation problem with SFML but also with the std::ref of the standart c++ library [...]
This is not a good practice.
It's not a good practice because you had compile problems?
Just tell me one reason why you should declare copy constructor, assignment operator and destructor
if the compiler-generated ones work fine. Because that's what you claim: "And it's strongly recommanded for all objects to redefine a copy constructor, the operator=, and the destructor."
By the way, if you consider compile problems the real issues, then you can be glad. Runtime errors such as undefined behavior are much trickier to solve, or even detect.
So don't always trust the compilator, it works well with pointers but..., for the rest, it's very dirrerent.
Of course I trust the compiler. And I recommend you to do the same. If it doesn't do what you expect, then it's in 99.9% of the cases because you misunderstand C++. Do not assume it's a compiler bug because something doesn't work the way you want it to.
If you have no trust in the compiler, there is no point in using it in the first place...