Sorry guys, I am trying to get ready for my finals so I have very little time lately. This term is over for me on Thursday, but until then I won't really be around. I'll try to be a part os some discussion today if I can though.
I think having a dedicated SDK for the jam is overkill. The rules aren't really that restricting in terms of what you can use, and they're that way to allow people to just go in and make games. It
isn't a competition, so I don't know what the big deals is. If people want to use Thor, they can. If they want to use their own stuff built off of SFML, they can. The important part is that SFML is at the core of the game, and you're engaging in a fun weekend activity with your fellow SFML users.
I also don't see why it's a problem to make at least one playable binary for one of the OS's. It isn't required to make one for each, but I'm assuming you are building it to test, so I'm not really sure what the problem with making a single, stand alone, playable binary with all the shared libs/assets needed to play it packed in on the OS you are working on. You should have plenty of time to do so, especially with the additional hour you get before the jam starts along with the time given after the 72 hours for people to submit.
I addition, I have a much better strategy for voting for the next jam's theme so we won't have the problem we encountered this time.
, i didn't catch it, is there a twitter, where you post, "Next game jam on 12 june..."?
Or any announcement page where it will constantly stay up?
Right now we've been doing a every 4 months, but on the following Friday thing. The jam always takes place over the weekend. Using that, the next one will take place October 3
rd. There was mention of changing how often the jam takes place, but I personally like how things are. If someone wants to start a thread discussing that then we can discuss what works best for the most amount of people.
There's an official one @sfmlgamejam. No idea who has access to it though and there's been only one tweet.
I have access to it. I started it as a means to provide updates, and it was on the original site before zsbzsb took that part over. I plan to start using, but up until now it's something that just hasn't been utilized.