Trying to get VAOs working, not succeeding, and I'm wondering if it is because of GLEW.
Basically, I try to do this:
glGenVertexArrays(1, &g_vao);
This doesn't compile. I looked into it further and it seems like GLEW 1.5.0 (is this version specifically required by SFML 2.1?) doesn't support vertex arrays. When I tried
if (glewIsSupported("GL_ARB_vertex_array_object"))
...this returns false. If I upgrade to the latest version of GLEW 1.10.0, it returns true but my app crashes during rendering (presumably because SFML doesn't support 1.10.0)
Later I found this page: seems to indicate vertex arrays weren't added until GLEW 1.5.1
Am I understanding this correctly? Are we simply meant to not use VAOs in SFML?
If it matters, I am on Ubuntu 13.10-64 bit with C::B, and I am not using SFML for drawing - its pure OpenGL calls.