I have to copy paste dlls if I wanted to run the executable from explorer but not from Qt creator itself. But just to get rid of the whole dll problem I compiled again, this time with the newer mingw32 4.8 with the static_std libs option. It compiles fine but now I keep getting undefined reference errors when trying to build.
I know it must be the .pro file settings but what am I doing wrong? I read elsewhere on the forums that using static sfml libs tends to stop the sf::Text issues so that's why I decided to do this. Here's my .pro file settings.
Is the order of my libs wrong?
If I just try to use -lsfml-system-s , -lsfml-window-s & -lsfml-graphics-s, this is what I get:
0) Putting graphics before window creates 70+ errors as seen in the attached picture.
1) Doing system, window, graphics gets 34 errors
2) Doing window, system, graphics gets 14 errors
3) Doing window, graphics, system gets 14 errors (same as above)
QT -= gui
TARGET = TextTest
CONFIG += c++11 console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
SOURCES += main.cpp
LIBS += -LE:/TunaBattle/SFMLBUILD3/lib
LIBS += -lsfml-audio-s -lsfml-graphics-s -lsfml-main -lsfml-network-s -lsfml-window-s -lsfml-system-s
INCLUDEPATH += E:\TunaBattle\SFMLBUILD3\include\
DEPENDPATH += E:\TunaBattle\SFMLBUILD3\include\