Hello everybody,
Today I just downloaded SFML and started to program some basic things. I followed very carefully the steps to get SFML into MingW+Code::Blocks but I've got this issue: when I open the sample given in the installation tutorial I get a "Failed to share Open Gl context" in the cmd window.
I asked to google but I don't find anything. No, the message appears when I run the executable, not when I close a window. Moreover, I'm just opening a window and drawing a circle.
The code is here
http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.2/start-cb.phpPD: I can draw some basic shapes as circles and rectangles also I can move them over the window with no problem, except the one I mentioned above.
Do you have any idea of what is happening? Can this issue make more problems in the future?
Maybe I need to create the project as OpenGL project or add a dll in the executable folder?
I would appreciate any help, really.