Hey guys,
This is my first post here.
I'm fairly new to SFML, C++ and graphics programming in general.
I would like to share my latest experiment with you. It's based on the various tutorials I found here and also on youtube.
What it does:
- Generate small squares which follow the mouse
- If the mouse is out of the window they move randomly
- On click change the strenght of the attraction towards the mouse
- Each square shines light (using inline GLSL shader code)
The effect looks kinda like colorful fireflies :-)
Please let me know what you think about the code.
I'm new to C++ so if you see something that is not good practice / wrong / buggy, please let me know.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#ifndef _NOEXCEPT
#define _NOEXCEPT noexcept
using namespace std;
using namespace sf;
using FrameTime = float;
static const string shaderCode = \
"uniform vec2 frag_LightOrigin;"\
"uniform vec3 frag_LightColor;"\
"uniform float frag_LightAttenuation;"\
"uniform vec2 frag_ScreenResolution;"\
"void main(){"\
" vec2 baseDistance = gl_FragCoord.xy;"\
" baseDistance.y = frag_ScreenResolution.y-baseDistance.y;"\
" vec2 distance=frag_LightOrigin - baseDistance;"\
" float linear_distance = length(distance);"\
" float attenuation=1.0/( frag_LightAttenuation*linear_distance + frag_LightAttenuation*linear_distance);"\
" vec4 lightColor = vec4(frag_LightColor, 1.0);"\
" vec4 color = vec4(attenuation, attenuation, attenuation, 1.0) * lightColor; gl_FragColor=color;}";
static const unsigned int windowWidth{ 800 }, windowHeight{ 600 };
static const float walkerWidth{ 8.f }, walkerHeight{ 8.f };
static const float walkerVelocity{ 1.f };
static const float ftStep{ 1.f }, ftSlice{ 1.f };
static const int walkerCount{ 15 };
static const float directionMultiplier1{ 0.008f }, directionMultiplier2{ 0.002f };
static float directionMultiplier{ 0.008f };
void normalize(Vector2f& source){
float length = sqrt((source.x * source.x) + (source.y * source.y));
if (length != 0){
source.x = source.x / length;
source.y = source.y / length;
struct Rectangle {
RectangleShape shape;
float x() const _NOEXCEPT{ return shape.getPosition().x; }
float y() const _NOEXCEPT{ return shape.getPosition().y; }
float left() const _NOEXCEPT{ return x() - shape.getSize().x / 2.0f; }
float right() const _NOEXCEPT{ return x() + shape.getSize().x / 2.0f; }
float top() const _NOEXCEPT{ return y() - shape.getSize().y / 2.0f; }
float bottom() const _NOEXCEPT{ return y() + shape.getSize().y / 2.0f; }
struct Walker : public Rectangle{
Vector2f velocity;
Vector3f color;
Walker(float mX, float mY){
shape.setPosition(mX, mY);
shape.setSize({ walkerWidth, walkerHeight });
color = Vector3f(rand() % 255, rand() % 255, rand() % 255);
shape.setFillColor(Color(color.x, color.y, color.z));
shape.setOrigin(walkerWidth / 2.0f, walkerHeight / 2.0f);
void update(FrameTime ft, RenderWindow& window){
Vector2f mousePosition = (Vector2f)Mouse::getPosition(window);
//follow mouse if it is inside of the window
if (mousePosition.x > 0.f && mousePosition.y > 0.f &&
mousePosition.x < windowWidth && mousePosition.y < windowHeight){
Vector2f direction = mousePosition - shape.getPosition();
direction *= directionMultiplier;
direction.x += generateVelocityFloat() * 0.05;
direction.y += generateVelocityFloat() * 0.05;
velocity += direction;
//limit velocity
if(velocity.x > walkerVelocity) velocity.x = walkerVelocity;
if(velocity.y > walkerVelocity) velocity.y = walkerVelocity;
if(velocity.x < -walkerVelocity) velocity.x = -walkerVelocity;
if(velocity.y < -walkerVelocity) velocity.y = -walkerVelocity;
} else {
if (( 1 + rand() % 100) == 1){
velocity.x = generateVelocityFloat();
velocity.y = generateVelocityFloat();
//guard edges of screen
if ((right() >= windowWidth && velocity.x > 0) || (left() <= 0 && velocity.x < 0)){
velocity.x = 0;
if ((top() <= 0 && velocity.y < 0) || (bottom() >= windowHeight && velocity.y > 0)){
velocity.y = 0;
shape.move(velocity * ft);
float generateVelocityFloat(){
return (-walkerVelocity) +static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX / (walkerVelocity - (-walkerVelocity))));
struct Game {
RenderWindow window{ VideoMode(windowWidth, windowHeight) , "Followers!" };
FrameTime lastFt{ 0.f }, currentSlice{ 0.f };
bool running{ false };
RenderTexture myRenderTexture;
Sprite spriteWorld;
Shader shader;
vector<Walker> walkers;
void initializeWalkers(){
for (int a{ 0 }; a < walkerCount; ++a){
walkers.emplace_back(windowWidth / 2.f,
void checkInput(){
Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == Event::Closed){
if (event.type == Event::MouseButtonPressed){
if (directionMultiplier == directionMultiplier1){
directionMultiplier = directionMultiplier2;
else {
directionMultiplier = directionMultiplier1;
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape)) running = false;
void update(){
currentSlice += lastFt;
//update multiple times based on fps
for (; currentSlice >= ftSlice; currentSlice -= ftSlice){
for (auto& walker : walkers){
walker.update(ftStep, window);
void draw(){
for (auto& walker : walkers){
shader.setParameter("frag_LightOrigin", walker.shape.getPosition());
shader.setParameter("frag_LightColor", walker.color);
shader.setParameter("frag_LightAttenuation", 50);
sf::RenderStates states;
states.shader = &shader;
states.blendMode = sf::BlendAdd;
myRenderTexture.draw(spriteWorld, states);
void run(){
myRenderTexture.create(windowWidth, windowHeight);
spriteWorld.setOrigin(spriteWorld.getTextureRect().width/2, spriteWorld.getTextureRect().height/2);
spriteWorld.setPosition(windowWidth / 2, windowHeight / 2);
shader.loadFromMemory(shaderCode, sf::Shader::Fragment);
shader.setParameter("frag_ScreenResolution",sf::Vector2f(windowWidth, windowHeight));
running = true;
while (running) {
auto time1(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now());
auto time2(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now());
auto elapsedTime(time2 - time1);
FrameTime ft{ chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<float, milli>>(elapsedTime).count() };
lastFt = ft;
auto ftSeconds(ft / 1000.f);
if (ftSeconds > 0.f){
auto fps(1.f / ftSeconds);
window.setTitle("FT: " + to_string(ft) + "\tFPS: " + to_string(fps));
//framerate now handled by chrono library
//to test with low framerate:
int main() {
return 0;