To add on to dabbertorres' questions I have a few of my own.
With the name "Re:creation", where did the colon come from? I actually thought up until now that you'd put two colons as a sort of coding mini-easter egg of having the scope operator in the title, but I just reread it.
Also, if you're open to suggestions I have a few (I appreciate that you can't just put everything everyone thinks of into your game, but if you like any of the suggestions, then please use them).
Slightly changing an enemy's appearance when you possess them. Mainly for convenience if there is a large group of the same type of enemy then it would get confusing as they all look the same as the one you control. Maybe a different skin tone.
An enemy (maybe a wizard of some sort) that can be possessed and has special abilities which mean that you need to possess them, but slowly saps your health when you do.
Ghosts that can possess your body while you are in ghost form and use it to attack you.
Finally, I thought my previous posts of how amazing this is weren't enough so a few more things that I really like, especially about the recent update.
The little flick of the arrow when it hits something is brilliant. It's the tiny details that make games like this great.
The animation of the grave coming out of the ground is really smooth and in general the animation you've done is brilliant.
I'm not sure how, but you've actually managed to make a grass tile that doesn't look repetitive.