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Author Topic: Tilemap Editor (working title)  (Read 48870 times)

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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« on: December 12, 2009, 08:22:26 am »
Ok so here is a tilemap editor that I created for myself if you want to look at it or use it for your own purposes feel free too :) Also I need a good name for this obviously but I have yet to decide on it suggestions are welcome

Its written in C++ using wxWidgets for the GUI and good old SFML to render stuff onto a wxWidgets view.

Features and Planned Stuff
But here are all of the planned features bullets marked with an + are done, - are not done, and / are partially done Requirements and Features


Map With Collision Layer

Default Map

Zooming and Grid

The Program.

Base code to build a game using maps created with this program.

Other Stuff
There is a user manual with more information about the map formats!

Feedback and bug reports and feature requests are welcome!


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 10:32:44 am »
Hi, I just have downloaded your editor and I'm testing it as I need one for my game.

First feedbacks :

1)When you click on a tiles or a groupe of tiles, it would be great if your mouse pointer take the image of the tiles you clicked on, because it's hard to aim with the basic mouse pointer and you dunno what you took.

2) When you keep on clicking on a map to draw a lot of time the same tiles, you should forbid to draw a tiles if it  would be draw on one other, (that's mean it should be a collision system to know if you can actually draw the tiles or not)

3) The tiles image you provided with the editor is not very handy because the tiles ar not centered, I mean for example you can't take the whole tree or the whole boat in one time to draw it

4) You only have one layer

I haven't tried to save a map for now ii was just to give you idea to improve your editor if you wanna improve it

see ya


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2009, 10:56:36 am »
1) Thanks I'll look into this!

2) I don't understand what you mean.

3) I don't understand what you mean. Could you please elaborate. And yeah the images I provide suck as I am not an artist :P

4) that's not true. Goto Map > Properties and its under the Layer Tab.


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2009, 11:11:56 am »
First sorry if you don't understand as I'm not a native english speaker.

So :

2) I meant when you keep on clicking on the mouse to keep on drawing the tiles you choosed, for example if I take the whole tree, if I wanna draw 4 tree close to each other, I can't do it by keep on clicking on th mouse because it's gonna erase the tree drawed before, you should forbid to draw a new thing if it's gonna be draw on an already existing thing on the map. The only solution to erase something would be to choose the option erase or draw grass.

3) I just talked about the order of the tiles on your image for example imagine "3" is the different part of the tree :


You can't take the whole tree because the middle part is not perfectly below the high part. (sorry for this ugly  design  :D  ) hope you understood this time

4) Sorry I haven't seen.

of course everything I'm saying is what I would bring to my editor so it's just suggestions I'm not saying your work is bad or something :)

Anyway when you save a map, does it save the collision of the objects or just an image of what you drawed ?


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2009, 11:33:47 am »
2) I don't know if I want that to restrict that, but I will think about it, but if you want to draw two trees next to each other then you should use the Rectangle tool or even the Fill Tool. The default tool (Pencil) works to some extent if you know where to click :P

3) Ahh! When you load a tileset it should resize the left window such that the image appears as the image loaded. Seems like that's failing... Well a workaround that is to move it so that it looks like the original image.

Nah its alright I want good feedback. I've posted this at other places, but I don't get very good responses. So thanks :)


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2009, 12:03:09 pm »
Ok I'm glad you understood all my request this time, I'm gonna use more your editor when I get the time , and I will do feedback again if I find another thing


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2009, 12:16:03 pm »
Another questions :

- How do I put collision ? (if it's possible) because I wanna know for example if i put collision on a tree and I save it, would the collision be saved as well in the file ? In rpg maker you can do it by puting X when you can't go throught and O when you can pass

-and maybe you should put a cancelled button to cancel the last action (like ctrl Z) ?

-What about animated tiles ? For example water ?

-Why do I have a grey background on the tiles ? How do I get opaque background ?

I'm sorry but I've got a lot of bug with the layers ... I created a map with 3 layers, and sometimes layer doesn't apear on the screen, sometimes I can't draw it ... sometimes what I drawed disapear when i change layer ..
It's been one hour I tried things, but I think there's definitely a problem with your layer bewteen layer view and layer selection


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2009, 03:44:50 pm »
1,2,3) Yep all of those are not implemented Check the first post for a list of everything that works haha

4) There isn't a grey background. The tileset image is transparent in some areas. Those tiles were meant to be placed on Layer > 1

5) There aren't any bugs that I know of with Layers

This may sound stupid but this is how it works

Ok so when you first create a map and load a tileset the default tile is 0 so you start out with a map with one layer that just has tile 0 in it.

When you create a new layer it just contains tile 0 in it (in this case its the grass tile) and this new layer draws on top of previous layers

so when you create a new layer you have to fill it with a completely transparent tile

You can switch the layers you are editing by going to Map > Layers and then selecting the layer you want to edit.

yeah thats one workaround and the other is to just make tile0 in the tileset image be completely transparent

I used to do it the other way where I have a tile called tile-1 which was completely transparent but people complained about that system where in the tile window will I draw this tile so that it can be selected? Another map editor program called Mappy just drew that as the first tile and that ruined the alignment of the tiles and I don't like that and neither will users :P.

But yeah theres the story on that

Also thanks :)!


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2009, 04:55:26 pm »
1 2 3) , are you going to implement it in a near future ? It would be a perfect editor with those options.

I've found the way to draw a map with the layers now. Not very handy because if I don't have opaque tile on the tileset I load ? How can I fill with opaque tile ? maybe you should bring an option to auto bring opaque tile when you create a layer ...

and I thing the first option I told you is essential :

(When you click on a tiles or a groupe of tiles, it would be great if your mouse pointer take the image of the tiles you clicked on, because it's hard to aim with the basic mouse pointer and you dunno what you took.)

to see where what you're about to draw is gonna take place  :D


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2009, 06:54:26 am »
Quote from: "Nothingness0x"
1 2 3) , are you going to implement it in a near future ? It would be a perfect editor with those options.

Yes, everything I am planning is in the first post.

Quote from: "Nothingness0x"

I've found the way to draw a map with the layers now. Not very handy because if I don't have opaque tile on the tileset I load ? How can I fill with opaque tile ? maybe you should bring an option to auto bring opaque tile when you create a layer ...

Umm mind explaining this again.

Quote from: "Nothingness0x"

and I thing the first option I told you is essential :

(When you click on a tiles or a groupe of tiles, it would be great if your mouse pointer take the image of the tiles you clicked on, because it's hard to aim with the basic mouse pointer and you dunno what you took.)

to see where what you're about to draw is gonna take place  :D

Just implemented that in the updated version download it and check it out
Also I fixed the problem where you load a tileset and it didn't align it correctly (At least I think its fixed I need another system to test it).


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2009, 07:00:24 am »
This Editor looks kinda cool. I want to program a little Tile-based RPG (after I'm done with a spaceshooter) and using this editor would be very helpful.


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2010, 09:53:13 am »
Thanks :D


01 January 2010
   released version 0.8.0 of TilemapEditor

     Change log:
        -New: Undo & Redo!
            -New: Select Tool has been implemented
        -New: Things in the Edit Menu (Copy, Paste, Cut, etc.) has been implemented
        -Fixed: Tools drawing at the corners of the map when clicked outside the map area
        -Fixed: Clear wasn't working properly
        -Fixed: Bug with saving specifically if your filename was named x.EXT where EXT had a capital letter
        -Fixed: Preview of tools drawing at the edges of the map when cursor was outside the map area
            -Fixed: Scrolling the map didn't show the area of the map that was revealed.
        -Updated: Default maps are now filled with -1 (null tile) instead of 0 (the first valid tile). This should lead to less confusion when adding layers.


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2010, 07:03:59 pm »
did you use a seperate image for each tile or did you use a sheet and how if you did cause i am trying to figure out how to clip and blit sheets in sfml like you can in sdl and allegro but can not figure it out yet, sweet editor keep it up


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2010, 12:06:54 pm »
When i open the archiv they come this message:

"The Archiv are destroyed!"

Can you upload it again pls?


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Tilemap Editor (working title)
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2010, 07:53:34 am »
the archive must have got corrupt while It was being uploaded

oh well I created a fresh copy and its already up!

