Good day, fellow SFML developers!
I'm extremely happy to announce that the fourth book in the SFML series has just been published! It's called "SFML Game Development by Example" and can be found here:
I have put a lot of work and effort into this project, and I really hope that those of you who decide to purchase it will enjoy it. Since this is a "by example" publication, I've tried to explore some additional aspects of game development and programming, such as game programming patterns, implementing a flexible G.U.I. system, utilizing the entity component system paradigm, and much more. This is also the first SFML book to tackle the topic of
networking, as the final project is a small RPG-style multiplayer game, where players can duke it out by using very basic combat. It looks a little something like this:

I think I have managed to produce a fairly smooth learning experience throughout the book, by addressing most of the issues a beginner game developer might face in a carefully compartmentalized manner. The book will guide you through three projects in total. The first one is a snake remake. Why snake? Well, it's simple and awesome.

The second project is a side-scrolling platformer, which you can see on the cover of the book. It introduces a lot of common concepts of game development to the reader and serves as an intermediary project, which leads them nicely into the last project. Sound and music management, G.U.I. and ECS are all implemented here, along with the grand finale of networking, which spans the last two chapters.
With that said, I hope you enjoy the book if you do decide to purchase it. I'd like to express the deepest thanks to Laurent, without whom I wouldn't have had this opportunity. Also, feel free to contact me if you have any issues or questions. You can leave a message here or contact me via e-mail at: a nice day!