hi, my application that using sfml is working fine until I need run it on a Windows 10 tablet with 10"(2048x1536) screen.
If below codes is not called, the main window and child window is scaled to 200%, because the system setting is 200%, but when the sfml::Window is created from the child window's handle, the entire window (include main window and child window) are back to 100%, the controls and text is too small.
my application create a win32 main window and a child window, the child window's handle is m_hWnd.
// create sfml window
sf::ContextSettings settings;
settings.antialiasingLevel = 8;
m_sfWindow.create(m_hWnd, settings);
I also tried create a independent window, the problem is still there
m_sfWindow.create(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "My window");