I'm glad you like it! Thanks for all your nice comments.
However, the code-layout looks okay but lacks comments.
You're right, it is not as well documented as it could be. I'm going to polish that when everything's more final. I skipped that mostly because of time reasons (I can't work full time on the project as I'm still studying) and because our very small team has no problems with understanding the code.
I generally dont like tons of <50 line files. You could merge some of them that are related to each other, especially when the code is well tested and wont be altered much more (no recompiling). But thats just a personal preference i think.
Yes, and I prefer to work small classes and files

I'm planning to implement two more types of blocks for the platformer part, an
unstable block that will fall down after a small delay when the player jumps on it and
moving platforms that really challenge me with their physics

. I'll keep you updated with the progress.