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Author Topic: sf::Text position  (Read 5369 times)

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sf::Text position
« on: May 06, 2016, 03:06:13 am »
I am a bit confused about sf::Text and its positioning.

If origin is set to upper left corner 0,0 and I place it (setPosition) at 0,0 I expect it to start from 0,0 and extend to getGlobalBounds.width, getGlobalBounds.height.

But actually it does not start at 0,0 even if the origin is set to 0,0 and position is set to 0,0.
That is quite confusing, see first attachment: "Hallo" is placed as described and the RectangleShape is created:
sf::RectangleShape b({20, 5});
b.setPosition(0, s.getGlobalBounds().height);

So normally the bottom of the H should be end at the beginning of the shape and not overlap, or am I wrong?

Another example is attachment 2 (b.png) where all my menu entries are misplaced (see markers are where I expect the text to start).

Yes I know globalBounds.top gives me the offset (found that few minutes ago), but why is this offset always added?


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Re: sf::Text position
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 09:54:12 am »
Text is aligned on the baseline, not on the top. So that having characters of different heights on the first line doesn't change its global alignment. So there's this little offset on top that compensates.
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer


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Re: sf::Text position
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2016, 01:22:01 am »
If you need to position the text by the top-left of the actual content, set the sf::Text's origin to the local bounds' top-left. It will need updating (to the bounds' top-left) whenever the content (string) changes.

To simplify these sorts of things, you can use something like Plinth's SFML Object Anchor.
(Anchor.hpp) (Anchor.inl)
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