I was trying to compile SFML myself, but my binaries were always incompatible to the SFML dlls.
Finally, I compiled the SFML examples, only to find that even they are incompatible. That's really weird, because they were compiled in one go with the dlls, which should guarantee that the same compiler and configuration was used.
Can anyone help me finding out what causes that problem, thus hopefully getting my actual project to work?
Thank you
Technical details: Win10 Pro x64, SFML 2.3.2, MinGW gcc 4.9.3, cmake 3.6.0-rc2, in PATH: MinGW/bin; cmake/bin; sfml/bin (with dlls), tried both static and dynamic sfml builds (neither works)
Error when linking statically: Procedure entry point "_ZSt24__throw_out_of_range_fmtPKcz" not found in the dll "C:\Program Files (x68)\SFML\examples\pong\pong-d.exe"
Error when linking dynamically: Procedure entry point "_ZSt24__throw_out_of_range_fmtPKcz" not found in the dll "C:\Program Files (x68)\SFML\bin\sfml-system-d-2.dll"